Tower Dummy Credentials Repo

Dummy Credentials repository to demonstrate how to bootstrap a tower instance with CI/CD jobs.

Getting Started

This project serves as the inventory source for the Ansible Tower Configuration project.


The projects CREDENTIAL_CONFIG.yml file contains a list of variables which need to be changed to suit your own tower environment. Once these variables have been changed,the bootstrap.yml playbook consumes the CREDENTIAL_CONFIG.yml file, encrypts any variables containing sensitive information using the supplied Ansible vault password, and then places each of the variables into the relevant group_vars file. The CREDENTIAL_CONFIG.yml file itself is then encrypted using the same Ansible vault password.


NOTE: This project should be forked and made private before proceeding with the following setup steps.

  1. Clone this project.
git clone<forked_repository_org>/tower_dummy_credentials
  1. Change the variable values in the CREDENTIALS_CONFIG.yml file. A list of all variables that need to be changed along with their usage can be found HERE.

  2. From the projects root directory, run the bootstrap.yml playbook, specifying the path to the CREDENTIALS_CONFIG.yml file.

ansible-playbook -i ./inventories/hosts bootstrap.yml --extra-vars='@CREDENTIALS_CONFIG.yml'

Adding new variables

The following steps outline the process of adding new variables to the project. Please ensure that all new variables are also added to the file.


  1. Add the variable to the CREDENTIAL_CONFIG.yml file with a default value of <CHANGEME>.

  2. Add an entry within the with_items section of the bootstrap_credentials.yml file, replacing new_variable in the both the name and value fields with the name of the new variable.

 - { name: 'new_variable', value: '{{ new_variable }}' }
  1. Add the new variable to the relevant file template located in roles/credentials/templates using the below format, ensuring that the variable to substitute in the template has _enc appended to the end of the variable name.
new_variable: !vault
{{ new_variable_enc }}


  1. Add the variable to the CREDENTIAL_CONFIG.yml file with a value of <CHANGEME>.

  2. Add the new variable to the relevant file template located in roles/credentials/templates, ensuring that the variables value is the name of the variable, placed within brackets.

 new_variable: {{ new_variable }}


Encrypted files and variables can be decrypted using the commands below, where the password is the vault-password variable value specified in your local copy of the CREDENTIAL_CONFIG.yml file.


ansible-vault decrypt '<path-to-file-to-decrypt>'


ansible localhost -m debug -a var='<variable-name>' -e '@<path-to-file>' --ask-vault-pass

Updating encrypted variables

The bootstrap.yml playbook can be re-run to update variable values.

  1. Decrypt the CREDENTIALS_CONFIG.yml file as per here.

  2. Make the required update/s

  3. Re-run the bootstrap.yml playbook