
Material-UI views and demo using tree

Primary LanguageScalaGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Material-UI views and demo using tree

To install JS dependencies, run npm install. Then run npm run dev-build (or for production, npm run build) to build all assets in assets directory using webpack. To run server run sbt then treeMaterialUiJVM/reStart, and treeMaterialUiJVM/reStop to stop. ~treeMaterialUiJVM/reStart to keep restarting server on code changes. To compile client with fast optimisation, run sbt then treeMaterialUiJS/fastOptJS.

A quick tour of the important parts:

  1. WebPack is used to pull together resources defined as bundles by .js files in the bundles directory.
  2. The bundle at bundles/index.js is loaded by index.html, which gets us all non-scalajs javascript. We have included material-ui in this for convenience.
  3. Additional bundles can be loaded later, asynchronously, using WithAsyncScript, see [https://github.com/chandu0101/scalajs-react-components/blob/master/demo/src/main/scala/demo/pages/MuiPage.scala](sjrc demo, material UI page)
  4. WebPack gets dependencies via require('library-name') in the bundles. Bundles can also include other needed javascript for setup (e.g. the react tap event plugin).
  5. The assets directory is used for all bundles produced by WebPack.
  6. Scalajs compiler is configured to output fastopt and opt js files to assets as well.
  7. index.html contains minimal styles and html in javascript to display a loading screen, this is replaced by React UI when scalajs script runs (which may take a little while owing to size).


  • Direction of transition of pages set by relationship between them. Use a comparison typeclass that yields a direction from two pages. Provide an instance working on pages that implement "back".
  • Look at shadows - can we make them appear underneath (lower z) the thing casting them?
  • Responsive pages - provide a "no effort" implementation for larger screens that displays layers alongside each other, animating them dropping in from above on enter, and down on leave.
  • ServerRootComponent undo/redo. If we do this, also include monitoring of the P in CursorP, so that we can restore the page that was displayed when the undone/redone action occurred.
  • Focus in pages. When going back from a detail page, the master page could remember the displayed detail "index" as a "focus". This could be used to e.g. scroll to that element in a list, so that when navigating backwards, we see the detail we just left in the master list. This is a lighter alternative to just keeping the master view around while displaying detail, and would work well with undo/redo. Focus might or might not update with scrolling.
  • Websocket re-open on close with exponential backoff.
  • Connect server model up to database.
  • Graphing with paths.scala.js.