
Customizations for my sandboxes.

To make this work as magically as possible, I have this in my ssh config (only relevant directives shown) in addition to the standard Host block

# only add this config when NOT using Transmit app. YMMV, adjust as needed.
Match Host YOUR_HOST exec "[[ ! $__CFBundleIdentifier = 'com.panic.Transmit' ]]"
  RequestTTY force
  RemoteCommand bash <(curl -s "https://url-to-this/") && bash -l

What does this do on sandboxes?

  • installs option-cache WP-CLI command
  • installs wp network list CLI command (from Misc WP CLI)
  • installs wp site update CLI command (from Misc WP CLI)
  • installs wp cron-control debug CLI command (from Misc WP CLI)
  • sets WP_CLI_CONFIG_PATH to load our custom config which makes above commands available. It is also to inherit from the main config on sandboxes
  • customizes prompt with sandbox flag, time, multisite indicator, app nice-name, environment, git changes summary
  • adds a .vimrc with assorted vim customizations
  • adds a .mybashrc with assorted shortcuts
  • runs a few global git config --global commands