Hackathon 2017

Welcome to hackathon 2017!

Download the kickoff deck for more information on the business problem, the hackathon agenda, the data, and more! Find it in the data folder: Hackathon 2017 kickoff deck

Table of Content:


  • Please make sure you spread out of all the boxes. There are 4 servers available for login, make sure you spreadout and not login to 1 box
  • Use tmux once you login into the server. If not, your session could get terminated and you can loose your work. Just type "tmux" once you login. To re-attach a tmux session "tmux attach". https://tmux.github.io/

Getting Started

You can obtain a username and login information from one of the Tresata representatives or from sponsor's room.

ssh into a server where you can access the BBBS data.

> ssh <username>@hack02.datachambers.com OR
> ssh <username>@hack03.datachambers.com OR
> ssh <username>@hack04.datachambers.com OR
> ssh <username>@hack05.datachambers.com

and enter the password you were given.

We made Hive, Spark, pySpark, R and Anaconda command-line interfaces available, and included a tool to compile and run simple Scalding or Spark scripts on-the-fly.


We have a Hadoop cluster with one master and four slaves. The slaves have 32 cores, 6 X 1TB data drives, and 128GB of RAM each. You will have ssh access to the slaves.

Please spread yourselves out across the machines.


To access your HDFS location, you need to use hadoop fs commands (some reference: http://www.folkstalk.com/2013/09/hadoop-fs-shell-command-example-tutorial.html). For example, to take a look at your home directory on HDFS, use

> hadoop fs -ls


> hadoop fs -ls /user/username


Data Dictionary : It's present on /home/shared/data-dictionary and Slack hannel for DATA and here

LOCAL You can find the data on local (all machines) in the /home/shared/bbbs/ directory

├── interviews
│   ├── B108.doc
│   ├── B109.doc
│   ├── B120.doc
│   ├── B124.doc
│   ├── B130.doc
│   ├── ...
│   ├── ...
│   ├── ...
│   └── PCL9.doc
├── matches
│   ├── all
│   │   ├── child_volunteer_keys.bsv
│   │   ├── match_details_new.bsv
│   │   ├── match_details_old.bsv
│   │   ├── youth_outcome_reports_new.bsv
│   │   └── youth_outcome_reports_old.bsv
│   ├── active
│   │   ├── match_details.bsv
│   │   └── youth_outcome_reports.bsv
│   └── unsuccessful
│       ├── match_details_new.bsv
│       ├── match_details_old.bsv
│       └── youth_outcome_reports.bsv
├── question_ids.bsv
└── unmatched
    └── rtbm_reports.bsv

HDFS You can find the data on HDFS in the /data folder



Give Hive a whirl and run a sample query:

> hive

Try pasting the following query into the hive command-line interface:

hive> show tables;

hive> set hive.cli.print.header=true;
hive> select * from active_match_details_new limit 10;

This will return all the fields for the first ten items in the active_match_details_new table.

If you'd like to create a file from the command line, you can use a create table command:

hive> create table test row format delimited fields terminated by '|' stored as textfile as select * from active_match_details_new limit 10;

You can then extract the table from the hive warehouse for a table named test:

df-source-cat --input hive%bbbs.question_ids > textfile

We are also running hive-server on hack02.datachambers.com, hack03.datachambers.com, hack04.datachambers.com and hack05.datachambers.com. You can connect to them with JDBC/ODBC. For example to connect to hack04 with JDBC you would use this connect string:


If you need to provide a username and password, use the username we provided for SSH login and leave the password blank.


Spark-shell can be found at /usr/local/lib/spark/bin

Now give the Spark-shell a test:

> /usr/local/lib/spark/bin/spark-shell --num-executors 4 --executor-cores 1 --executor-memory 1G

Read in the data and run a simple query that calcuates the unique count of ChildZip:

val df = spark.sqlContext.read.parquet("/data/bbbs-parquet/matches/active/match_details_new.parquet")

Note that for your "production" run on the dataset you might want to increase resources used on the cluster:

--num-executors 4 --executor-memory 4G --executor-cores 4

Keep in mind that a spark-shell takes up these resources on the cluster even when you do not use them so please do not keep a spark-shell with "production" resources open unused.


pySpark can be found at /usr/local/lib/spark/bin

You can also do the same query using a python version of the Spark shell.

>  /usr/local/lib/spark/bin/pyspark --num-executors 4 --executor-cores 1 --executor-memory 1G

Read in the data and run a simple query that calcuates the unique count of ChildZip:

df = sqlContext.read.parquet("/data/bbbs-parquet/matches/active/match_details_new.parquet")

Note that for your "production" run on the dataset you might want to increase resources used on the cluster:

--num-executors 4 --executor-memory 4G --executor-cores 4

Keep in mind that a pyspark takes up these resources on the cluster even when you do not use them so please do not keep a pyspark shell (interpreter) with "production" resources open unused.


SparkR can be found at /usr/local/lib/spark/bin

You can also do the same query using a R version of the Spark shell.

>  /usr/local/lib/spark/bin/sparkR --num-executors 4 --executor-cores 1 --executor-memory 1G


Anaconda is a completely free Python distribution from Continuum Analytics. It includes more than 400 of the most popular Python packages for science, math, engineering, and data analysis. See the packages included with Anaconda.

Getting failimar with conda: http://conda.pydata.org/docs/using/index.html


In addition to the Hive and Spark shells, we're also packaging eval-tool and df-eval-tool. These are tools to compile and run Scalding and Spark scripts without having to create a project. If you create a file called test.scala with the following contents:

import com.twitter.scalding._
import com.tresata.scalding.Dsl._

(args: Args) => {
  new Job(args) {
    Csv(args("input"), separator="|", skipHeader = true) .read
      .groupBy('ChildZip) { _
      .write(Csv(args("output"), separator="|", writeHeader = true))

you can run a query on the data set sample from the command-line:

> eval-tool test.scala --hdfs --input /data/bbbs/matches/active/match_details_new.bsv --output zip_counts.bsv

This will generate a bar-separated file called 'zip_counts' in your HDFS home directory, containing the zip numbers along with their total counts.


import com.twitter.scalding.Args
import com.tresata.spark.sql.Job

(args : Args) =>
  new Job(args) {
    override def run = {
      import spark.implicits._
        .option("header", true).option("delimiter", "|").option("inferSchema", true)
        .option("header", true).option("delimiter", "|")

run df-eval-tool

> df-eval-tool test.scala --input /data/bbbs/matches/active/match_details_new.bsv --output zip_counts.bsv

Tresata Software


Data Inventory Engine built specifically to catalog, profile and report data ontology, quality and format attributes for all data in Hadoop. TREK rapidly profiles and inventories “as-is” data stored in Hadoop across all rows and columns to create an informed view of all valuable enterprise data feeds stored in a single Hadoop cluster.

TREK can be accessed via https://hack01.datachambers.com:5601

For login, it's the same username and password you use or SSH.

Resource Manager


Samba File Server

We are running a samba server for remote access to the data files. In Windows this is also known as a Network Drive. The share location is:


On windows you would specify this as:
