
A library for multi-tiered sequence representation of linguistic data.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Multitiered alignment is a formalism for the representation of diachronically related lexical data. It builds upon the concept of "alignment", usually segments or sound classes, allowing a wide range of information to be considered, mostly of phonological or phonetic nature. Facilitating the manipulation and exploration of such data, multitiers are organized as common dataframes, that is, sets of parallel data series that follow the relational model of data.

This library is an experimentation of such formalism, building upon frequently used Python libraries such as pandas, sklearn, and numpy, aligning the manipulation of linguistic data with the same tools and discussions used for machine learning in general, where linguistic data has mostly been confined to Natural Language Processing.

The starting point of tiers are collection of entries that include, at least, a unique form ID (usually but not necessarily numeric), a doculect identifier (usually a language name, but "doculect" is used to guarantee reproducibility in terms of sources), a cognate identifier (again, usually but not necessarily numeric), and an alignment, built as a sequence of segments (usually IPA graphemes), potentially with gaps and morpheme marks. The number of elements in alignments must be the same for all cognate IDs; the multitier library does not perform alignment, for which different tools such as lingpy can be used. Note that it is not necessary for each cognate_id to be expressed in all doculects.

1 Proto-Germanic 538 w iː b a n
2 German 538 v ai b - -
3 English 538 ʋ aɪ f - -
4 Dutch 538 ʋ ɛɪ f - -
5 Proto-Germanic 533 k u r n a n
6 German 533 k ɔ r n - -
7 English 533 k ɔː - n - -
8 Dutch 533 k oː r - ə -
... ... ... ...

[explain internally how it works]

How to use

The library is loaded as expected

import multitiers

Loading data

Data must be a list of dictionaries including, at least, a DOCULECT, a COGID, and an ALIGNMENT field. Key/column names can be different from default, and alignment can be either lists or strings (but data must have been aligned beforehand).

A typical source is the following:

1       Proto-Germanic  *wīban  *wīban  wiːban  w iː b a n      w iː b ( a n )  538
2       German  *wīban  Weib    vaip    v ai p  v ai b ( - - )  538
3       English *wīban  wife    ʋaɪf    ʋ aɪ f  ʋ aɪ f ( - - )  538
4       Dutch   *wīban  wijf    ʋɛɪf    ʋ ɛɪ f  ʋ ɛɪ f ( - - )  538
5       Proto-Germanic  *kurnan *kurnan kurnan  k u r n a n     k u r n ( a n ) 533
6       German  *kurnan Korn    kɔrn    k ɔ r n k ɔ r n ( - - ) 533
7       English *kurnan corn    kɔːn    k ɔː n  k ɔː - n ( - - )        533
8       Dutch   *kurnan koren   koːrə   k oː r ə        k oː r - ( ə - )        533
9       Proto-Germanic  *xaimaz *xaimaz xaimaz  x ai m a z      x ai m ( a z )  532

Data can be loaded and manipulated in any preferred way, including the simple wrapper provided by the library:

data = multitiers.read_wordlist_data(filename)

Building a multitiers object

A MultiTiers object can be initialized with just the data, which will compute the tiers for the alignments of all doculects and the basic positional tiers. Syllable structures and suprasegmentals are currently missing.

mt = multitiers.MultiTiers(data)

If shifted alignment tiers will be used, they have to be specified when building the object. For example, for considering the two following sounds and the preceding one:

mt = multitiers.MultiTiers(data, left=1, right=2)

Other tiers, such as for sound classes and features (including shifted ones), are computed on-the-fly whenever necessary and cached for future reuse within the object.

Running studies

There are two main types of study currently implemented, correspondence studies and classifiers. They will serve as building blocks for more elaborate ones, including for automatic or assisted feature selection.

Correspondence studies require the specification of "known" or "fixed" tiers, those which are observed, and of "unknown" or "free" ones, those we want to study the behavior in terms of the observed data. For both types, it is possible to include and/or exclude values from the tiers, including individual words (referred by their ID). The study specifications must be provided in two dictionaries, such as in the following example that investigates the correspondence of initial (index=1) /s/ in Proto-Germanic into German (excluding the cases where the reflex has /r/, and thus with German exclude=["r"]), using the cv class of the following sound (R1):

# run a correspondence study
known = {
    "index": {"include": [1]},  # first position in word...
    "Proto-Germanic": {"include": ["s"]},  # when PG has /s/
    "German": {"exclude": ["r"]},  # and G doesn't have /r/
unknown = {"Proto-Germanic_cv_R1": {}}

mt.correspondence_study(known, unknown)

The computed results are intended for later computer-consumption and might be a bit harder to interpret at present, but the results show that in all the 78 cases where Proto-Germanic_cv_R1 is a consonant, the third known tier (German) is 'ʃ'. When the following sound is a vowel (V), in 30 out of 31 cases the German tier has 'z': a single case has None, a gap, which would need investigation. More complex studies could consider other tiers, and they are not limited to a single unknown tier: we can, for example, investigate tuples of correspondences between different doculects, such as the relation of German/Dutch against English.

{(1, 's', None): {('V',): 1},
 (1, 's', 'z'): {('V',): 30},
 (1, 's', 'ʃ'): {('C',): 78}}

As said, these results are mostly intended for computer-consumption: their immediate usage is for proposing sound changes (or, in a more appropriate way, correspondence laws, as they would allow to involve multiple languages and tiers in the output). Restricting to traditional a > b / c _ d notation, the output above could be mapped to a pair of changes s > z / _ V and s > ʃ / _ C, but our focus is in correspondence descriptors and not properly in sound changes (also considering how the traditional notation would not be adequate for a multitiered system with potentially multiple correspondences). Note that a system for searching for correspondence laws will require different pruning strategies not yet implemented.

Passing study specifications as a dictionary allows more flexibility, but the library also provides an auxiliary function for parsing specifications according to a simple language. The specification can use tabs and multiple spaces, allows more than one item in includes and excludes (separated by commas), and takes care of converting strings to integers in the case of indexes.

demo_study = """
KNOWN Proto-Germanic INCLUDE s
UNKNOWN Proto-Germanic_cv_R1
known2, unknown2 = multitiers.utils.parse_study(demo_study)
study_result2 = mt.correspondence_study(known2, unknown2)

The second kind of study currently possible are classifications and predictions using sklearn; while currently only decision trees are implement, nothing forbids using other classifiers or even exporting X/y matrices for usage in other systems (such as in R or Julia).

Classifiers are used through a Classifier object that will build a multitier collection internally, and accept the same kind of data.

clf = multitiers.Classifier(data)

Classifiers need to be trained with a tier specification like the one for correspondence studies, as in the following example. The parser for specifying studies in a single string can be used here as well, but it is recommended to follow the nomenclature of machine learning studies and call the observed data X_tiers and the target ones y_tiers.

# Study
X_tiers = {
    "index": {"include": [1]},  # first position in word...
    "Proto-Germanic": {"include": ["s"]},  # when PG has /s/
    "Proto-Germanic_cv_R1" : {}, # any following class
y_tiers = {
    "German": {"exclude": ["r"]},  # and G doesn't have /r/
clf.train(X_tiers, y_tiers)

After training, the results can be exported to a graph via graphviz. Using the same example of above, we can visualize the decision tree for the development of initial Proto-Germanic *s in German:



The visualization of the decision tree confirms what we observed in the other experiment. At the first, top node, we are informed that the most likely value for the German tier, before any restriction (i.e., in this case, when index==1 and Proto-Germanic=s), is 'ʃ'. The Gini index is 0.401, indicating that the cases with a different sound are numerous enough. The first test (and, in this case, the only one) is at the top the node: it is decided by Proto-Germanic_cv_R1 (that is, the CV class of the following sound in Proto-Germanic, one position to the right) being 'V'. If True, we move to the right of the tree, and find out that in this case all observed tiers (gini = 0.0) are 'z'. If the test fails (that is, the value is not 'V'), all cases are 'ʃ'.

More complex examples can involve, as in the case of the correspondence studies, multiple tiers and restrictions both in X and y. For example, we can use our small language to investigate the same context as above, but this time considering both the German and English reflexes and the class of the Proto-Germanic sounds according to the more complex SCA model. For exploration, we limit the tree depth to three nodes.

clf2 = multitiers.Classifier(data)

study = """
X_tier index INCLUDE 1
X_tier Proto-Germanic INCLUDE s
X_tier Proto-Germanic_sca_L1
X_tier Proto-Germanic_sca_R1
y_tier German EXCLUDE r
y_tier English

X_tiers2, y_tiers2 = multitiers.utils.parse_study(study)
clf2.train(X_tiers2, y_tiers2, max_depth=3)


From the graph, we are informed that the most common correspondence set between the German and English tiers (again, with the study restrictions, in initial position with an aligned *s in Proto-Germanic) are respectively 'ʃ' and 's'. The first test is on whether the following Proto-Germanic sound (R1) is of class K (dorsal plosives and affricates), which, if true, indicates that all German and English correspondences have 'ʃ'. If the test fails, the most informative test is whether the following sound is of class T, when the 'ʃ/s' is again found in all samples. The following test is similar, and ends (as we limited the expansion of the decision tree) with a Gini index of 0.457, for cases where the most likely correspondence is with /z/ in German and /s/ in English. Note that this is the most likely correspondence, not (necessarily) the most frequent reflex for each language.

It is possible to investigate many other correspondences. We can for example test how much we can predict of Dutch vowels given German and English reflexes, combining information from different languages, with no reconstructions involved. To limit the tree for easiness in exploration, we only perform a split if it will decrease the impurity by at least 0.03333.

clf3 = multitiers.Classifier(data)

study3 = """
X_tier German
X_tier English
X_tier Dutch_cv INCLUDE V
y_tier Dutch

X_tiers3, y_tiers3 = multitiers.utils.parse_study(study3)
clf3.train(X_tiers3, y_tiers3, min_impurity_decrease=0.0333)


The visualization shows that the most common Dutch vowel is /ə/, which will be correct almost all the time (Gini index of 0.015) if the corresponding German vowel is /ə/ is as well. If the German vowel is /a/, we expect /ɑ/ in Dutch (but note the high impurity), if it is /aː/ we can expect a corresponding /aː/, and so on. Note that, in this tree, the algorithm didn't pick any tier from English: at least with the restrictions we set, the German vowel is always more informative. However, if we build a tree without restrictions, it will end up using English for cases when our data has no German/Dutch cognates: it is behavior is not unlike a linguist having to use a more distant language for reconstruction when the closest is missing the cognate which is needed.

At last, the classifier, even if currently limited to decision trees, can be used to predict features or bundle of features. It can also report the confidence on each prediction, coming from the score of each class. If, for example, we train on a more complex model for predicting all Dutch consonants, we can verify how well it matches the actual data.

clf4 = multitiers.Classifier(data)

study4 = """
X_tier German
X_tier English
X_tier German_sca
X_tier German_sca_L1
X_tier German_sca_R1
X_tier English_sca
X_tier English_sca_L1
X_tier English_sca_R1
X_tier Dutch_cv INCLUDE C
y_tier Dutch

X_tiers4, y_tiers4 = multitiers.utils.parse_study(study4)
clf4.train(X_tiers4, y_tiers4, max_depth=15)

Among the first ten occurrences, this will miss one case, predicting an /x/ when an /ŋ/ is observed (as we carry the IDs in the tiers, we could either check or exclude this word from the analysis):

#0: v/v -- True
#1: r/r -- True
#2: s/s -- True
#3: p/p -- True
#4: r/r -- True
#5: l/l -- True
#6: x/x -- True
#7: h/h -- True
#8: n/n -- True
#9: ŋ/x -- False
#10: b/b -- True

The same experiment can be performed with the probabilities:


Which will print the three most likely classes for each position, highlighting, among others, how the case above is an outlier in this simple model or how the model is totally confident in most cases. The first entry is interesting, showing that, while the correct sound /v/ was predicted with 97% confidence, the corresponding voiceless sound would not be totally expected.

#0: v/(v|0.973,f|0.027)
#1: r/(r|1.000)
#2: s/(s|1.000)
#3: p/(p|1.000)
#4: r/(r|1.000)
#5: l/(l|1.000)
#6: x/(x|0.519,ɣ|0.160,ʋ|0.086)
#7: h/(h|1.000)
#8: n/(n|1.000)
#9: ŋ/(x|0.519,ɣ|0.160,ʋ|0.086)
#10: b/(b|1.000)

Note that these experiments were conducted on the training data, with no splitting of training and test, cross-validation, or similar. While these can be performed, in most cases we will want to use all available data to understand how it can be described, and not for actual predictions.


  • Allow to strip material between parentheses and/or morphology markers in utils.parse_alignment()
  • Allow to pass also string or integers (i.e., using get_orders()) to utils.shift_tier()