
Get your AWS CodePipeline and CodeBuild events as Slack notifications

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Build Status Known Vulnerabilities

Integrates AWS services and applications with Slack by streaming CloudWatch Events into Slack WebHooks.

Supported AWS services:

  • AWS CodeBuild
  • AWS CodePipeline coming soon
    • Contributors welcome!

Notifications Samples



pip install awscli --upgrade --user
aws configure


npm install -g serverless
git clone https://github.com/trespass-tech/cloud-slacker.git
cd cloud-slacker
npm install
npm run lint
npm test


sls deploy --region your-aws-region --slack_url https://your-slack-webhooks-url

Fast way didn't work for me

Install Node.js

Use official Node.js 8+ distribution.

Install and configure AWS CLI

Follow installation instructions from AWS.

Set up Slack Incoming WebHooks

Install and set up Incoming WebHooks from Slack App Directory

Install Serverless

npm install -g serverless

Clone from GitHub

git clone https://github.com/trespass-tech/cloud-slacker.git

Build the source

cd cloud-slacker
npm install
npm run lint
npm test


sls deploy --region your-aws-region --slack_url https://your-slack-webhooks-url