
Minimal API implementation in Elixir without Phoenix

Primary LanguageElixir

Simple Server

Minimal Plug based API implementation in Elixir without Phoenix with telemetry

Based on article by Kamil Lelonek, (repo)

Running Locally

  • Clone repo
  • Run mix run --no-halt inside cloned directory.

Running on Heroku

With Heroku CLI installed:

  • create new app: heroku create <your-app-name> - this will add a new remote called heroku on git configuration
  • add Elixir buildpack: heroku buildpacks:set https://github.com/HashNuke/heroku-buildpack-elixir.git
  • edit elixir_buildpack.config with erlang and elixir versions (currently, erlang 22, elixir 1.9.2)
  • create a heroku's Procfile with the content: web: mix run --no-halt
  • deploy: git push heroku master

Running on docker

  • to run locally using docker compose: docker-compose up on root directory
  • to run locally without docker compose, first build the container with docker build -t simple_server:latest -f .docker/build.dockerfile ., and then run with docker run -p <local port>:4001 simple_server