
Udacity Capstone Project of develop a CI/CD pipeline for micro services applications with rolling deployment strategy.

Primary LanguageShell

Udacity Capstone Project

Project Overview

Develop a CI/CD pipeline for micro services applications with rolling update deployment strategy.

Project created on EC2 Instance with ami-0a634ae95e11c6f91 (us-west-2 region) - Linux Ubuntu 18.04 LTS.


  1. Build EC2 instance in AWS with necessary IAM Policy of EC2, VPC, EKS, and CloudFormation services.
  2. Clone the repository
    To avoid all installation and permission configuration of jenkins, docker, aws cli, eksctl, and kubectl, add ec2-setup.sh file to User Data in a process of configuration a EC2 Instance. Check if all has been installed successfully:
docker --version
aws --version
eksctl version
kubectl version --short --client
java -version
docker images # Without sudo privileges. If not, run sudo chmod 666 /var/run/docker.sock

First part of task is related to pushing the built Docker container to the AWS ECR

Setup docker:

  1. make docker-install
  • May need to set non-root privileges for Docker container
  • and set sudo apt-get install build-essential
  1. Check status make docker-check If status in another then active, run make docker-start

Setup Jenkins:

  1. make jenkins-install

  2. sudo service jenkins restart

  3. sudo cat /var/lib/jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword

  4. Copy&paste password to website "Getting Started" of Jenkins

  5. Click on Install suggested plugins

  6. Set Admin user

  7. Save and Finish && Start using Jenkins

  8. Install additional packages in Manage Jenkins>Manage Plugins: Blue Ocean
    Git Pipeline for Blue Ocean
    GitHub Pipeline for Blue Ocean
    Pipeline implementation for Blue Ocean
    Blue Ocean Pipeline Editor
    Blue Ocean Executor Info
    Pipeline: AWS Steps
    Amazon ECR
    Aqua MicroScanner
    CloudBees Docker Build and Publish

  9. Configure AquaMicroScanner in Jenkins

  10. Add Docker installations in Global Tool Configuration in Jenkins. Set Name (can be version of installed Docker in EC2, and Installation root: /usr/bin)

  11. Give Docker and Jenkins symbiotic permissions via command: sudo usermod -aG docker jenkins

  12. Set up AWS credentials in Jenkins in “Manage Credentials” > icon "(global)" > "Add credentials"

  13. Generate Access key ID and Secret acces key generated in your user in AWS console (Keep the credentials for futher process of installing AWS CLI)

  14. Fill the credentials and set ID

Configure AWS CLI and set permission for AWS ECR and EKS to your user

  1. In your EC2 instance, install and configure AWS CLI make aws-cli or follow the steps in AWS CLI
  2. Add permission an IAM policy in your jenkins-working Instance:
  • AmazonEC2ContainerRegistryFullAccess
  • AmazonEKSClusterPolicy
  • AmazonEKSServicePolicy
  • AmazonEKSWorkerNodePolicy
  • AWSCloudFormationFullAccess
  • IAMFullAccess

Create AWS ECR repository: Can be created in AWS Console, or via CLI:

aws ecr create-repository --repository-name (your-repo-name-aws):latest

Retrieve an authentication token and authenticate your Docker client to your registry:

aws ecr get-login-password --region (working_region) | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin (aws_account_id).dkr.ecr.(region).amazonaws.com

Edit Jenkinsfile:

  • Change enviroment's registory to your created name:
        registry = 'tresvitae/webservar-app:v1'
        rolling_update = 'tresvitae/webserver-app:v2'
        ecr_repo = 'udacity-capstone:latest'
  • In stage 'Deploy to AWS ECR', add account ID, and region:
docker.withRegistry('https://(aws_account_id).dkr.ecr.(region).amazonaws.com/' + registry, 'ecr:region:(aws-credential-id)) { docker.image(your-repo-name-aws).push($BUILD_NUMBER) }

Second part of the Project is related to deploy these Docker container to a small Kubernetes cluster as rolling update deployment strategy, where Version B is gradually rolled out succeeding verion A. Suitable for smal bug fixes

Install eksctl and kubectl in EC2

  1. make aws-eksctl or follow the steps in AWS EKSCTL
  2. make aws-kubectl or follow the steps in AWS KUBECTL

Set Docker CLI clinet: docker login --username your_name --password your_password. Thanks to that you will have access to pull image to Kubernetes.

Build Service and Deployment of web-server on independent stage in Jenkins Pipeline to perform kubernetes cluster:

  • aws eks --region us-west-2 update-kubeconfig --name web-cluster

Create AWS EKS Cluster and Node group

  1. Use CloudFormationt scrip to create EKS Cluster: To deploy this infrastructure there is a helper script included in the repository. It can be used like this:
aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name web-cluster --template-body file://strategy/eks-cluster.yaml --parameters file://strategy/eks-cluster-param.json --region=us-west-2
aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name web-node --template-body file://strategy/eks-nodegroup.yaml --parameters file://strategy/eks-nodegroup-param.json --region=us-west-2
  1. Alternativly, can be created in AWS Console, or via CLI:
eksctl create cluster --name web-cluster --version 1.17 --region us-west-2 --nodegroup-name web-node --node-type t2.micro --nodes 3 --nodes-min 1 --nodes-max 4 --managed

Can ignore bellow steps and run Jenkins pipeline to setup webserver automatically. Thanks to kubectl apply command can perform a infrastructure.

You can implement kuberentes cluster via CLI:

  1. Build the image of web-app
  • docker build -t tresvitae/webserver-app:v1 .
  1. Build Service and Deployment of web-server in Jenkins Pipeline to perform kubernetes cluster
  • aws eks --region us-west-2 update-kubeconfig --name web-cluster
  • kubectl create deployment web-app --image=udacity-capstone:latest
  1. Set number of replicas to 3 and add HorizontalPodAutoscaler resource for your Deployment kubectl scale deployment web-app --replicas=3 kubectl autoscale deployment web-app --cpu-percent=80 --min=1 --max=4
  2. To see created Pods run kubectl get pods
  3. Expose the web-server to the Internet kubectl expose deployment web-app --name=web-app-service --type=LoadBalancer --port 80 --target-port 30000
  4. To see exposed IP, run kubectl get service
  5. Run: kubectl apply -f strategy/deployment.yaml

Finally: edit Jenkinsfile, in stage 'Rolling update via AWS EKS', set your credentials. Also, edit service/rolling-update.yaml file, by adding your ECR url of deployed image.

Implementation the Project:

Setup GitHub project with Blue Ocean. You should see resoult on website - check exposed IP address. When you perform rolling update via Jenkins pipeline, performn new version of tagname of your docker image.

Web app is deployed on http://af3fcdb39ab18458a87ea0bbd5d3e63f-1099063542.us-west-2.elb.amazonaws.com/git ad

To built pipeline successfully, use 'make tidy' to pass the Linting stage.