
Primary LanguageC++


This is the repo of Kontan, a product originally developed in our Helsingborg office.

It provides us ability to plan our work week via a slack bot integration, along with a couple of IoT devices to make fun integrations.


RFID is an nfc-tag reader which we use to check in to the office, that way we can determine who's actually physically present in the office - this acts as a baseline and prerequisite for other integrations.


A module that runs on a rPi and will greet you when you check in and say goodbye when you go home for the day.

Even notifier

A general event notifier to send out slack notifications to everyone present in the office. Mostly used for when there's FIKA


The BE service of it all. It's running as an on prem node.js server, it's also the broker for all MQTT messages.


Connecting to the Raspberry Pi


Enter password when prompted.

Improvements (IoT devices)

General notifier

We would want a general notifier, that sends out a message to everyone that's currently checked in at the office. Use a potentiometer to switch between different notifications, like fika, lunch train leaving or breakfast etc. Please use pretty bitmaps!