
Before starting make sure gcloud and terraform are installed and create a new project with billing set up.

Bucket for terraform-state

export PROJECT="nvoss-kuberay-demo"
export REGION="europe-west4"
gsutil mb -p ${PROJECT} -l ${REGION} -b on gs://${PROJECT}-tf-state
gsutil versioning set on gs://${PROJECT}-tf-state
# Make sure terraform is able to use your credentials (only required if not already the case)
gcloud auth application-default login --project ${PROJECT}

Update terraform-variables

Update all *.tfvars files and make sure the state is saved to your bucket:

rg -l 'backend "gcs"' | xargs -I{} sed -i "s/nvoss-kuberay-demo-tf-state/${PROJECT}-tf-state/g" {}

Create the GKE cluster and node-pools

terraform -chdir=0-cluster init
terraform -chdir=0-cluster apply

Duplicate images


docker pull rayproject/ray:2.7.1-py310
docker tag rayproject/ray:2.7.1-py310 ${REGION}-docker.pkg.dev/${PROJECT}/images/ray:2.7.1-py310
docker push ${REGION}-docker.pkg.dev/${PROJECT}/images/ray:2.7.1-py310
# On cloud shell space might not be sufficient, so before pulling gpu image, let's clean up
docker rmi rayproject/ray:2.7.1-py310
docker rmi ${REGION}-docker.pkg.dev/${PROJECT}/images/ray:2.7.1-py310
docker pull rayproject/ray:2.7.1-py310-gpu
docker tag rayproject/ray:2.7.1-py310-gpu ${REGION}-docker.pkg.dev/${PROJECT}/images/ray:2.7.1-py310-gpu
docker push ${REGION}-docker.pkg.dev/${PROJECT}/images/ray:2.7.1-py310-gpu
docker rmi rayproject/ray:2.7.1-py310-gpu
docker rmi ${REGION}-docker.pkg.dev/${PROJECT}/images/ray:2.7.1-py310-gpu

NOTE: Checkout 0-cluster/main.tf for the particular node-pool configurations and how time-sharing of GPUs is set up.

Install the kuberay-operator

terraform -chdir=1-kuberay init
terraform -chdir=1-kuberay apply

Create a Workbench Instance


NOTE: For simplicity we just use the default-namespace...

Create an example RayService

Get credentials for the GKE cluster:

gcloud container clusters get-credentials demo-cluster --region ${REGION} --project ${PROJECT}

Create the example stable-diffusion RayService:

kubectl apply -f ray-service.yaml
kubectl describe rayservices

To access the dashboard you can port-forward as follows:

kubectl port-forward svc/stable-diffusion-head-svc --address 8265:8265

To send a test-request forward the serve-svc and do HTTP requests as follows:

kubectl port-forward svc/stable-diffusion-serve-svc 8000
curl\?prompt=a+yellow+car+with+six+wheels > example.png

Final thoughts: