
Vuejs wrapper for mapbox & maplibre

Primary LanguageVueMIT LicenseMIT

Vue MapX

A really lite Vue plugin to get a Mapbox GL / Maplibre in your App.

Some content extracted from https://github.com/geospoc/v-mapbox.

Why another library ?

As always, support is the main reason you'll choose a library.

Now we have lighter version with the same awesome Vue integration (and more).

Preview & Demo

a demo is avaliable as a package script. yarn preview or npx preview

content can be adjusted in demo/index.html

dont forget to check the Preview and the sources too.


Install via npm:

    yarn add vue-mapbox

You should have mapbox or maplibre already present in the scope :

import MyMapGl from "mapbox-gl";
// or
import MyMapGl from "maplibre-gl";

Then, plug vue-mapx into Vue with the reference to the library you want to use :

import VueMapX from "vue-mapx";

Vue.use(VueMapX, MyMapGl, apiKey);

You can set your apiKey once and for all or set it later.

TODO : try and get the apiKey from process.env



  • $mapx is your reference to the library. You can access it everywhere.
  export default {
    created: function() {
      new this.$mapx;

the Map component as mx-map

<section class="mpx-map-wrapper">
  <mx-map v-bind="map" @load="displayEvent" @dragend="displayEvent" @mousemove="pointerPosition = $event.lngLat">
    <template #loader>{{ message }}</template>
  • map events are forwarded untouched to the app. TODO : allow for conditional bindings
  • default slot holds map related componnents
  • #loader slot is displayed until the map is ready.
  • the component introduces two css classes : mpx-map-wrapper, mpx-map
  • remember that mapbox & maplibre require you set an absolute height for the parent container.
  • there is an accessToken option if you do not want to set it globaly

More at :

Markers & Popup as mx-marker & mx-popup

<mx-map v-bind="map" >
  <mx-popup v-bind="{ offset: 15, lngLat: { lat: 33.22195, lng: 44.31930 } }">{{  message }}</mx-popup>

  <mx-marker v-bind="{ draggable: true, color: 'red', lngLat: { lat: 33.32442, lng: 44.26575 } }">
    <mx-popup v-bind="{ closeOnMove:true }">{{ message }}</mx-popup>
  <mx-popup v-bind="{ closeButton: false, trackPointer: true }">This is a toolip</mx-popup>
  • Markers can hold a Popup in there default slot.
  • TODO : #element slot is redirected to the element option, which allow for custom icons.
  • Popups can be on there own, they need a lngLat attribute.
  • Popups could be attached to a marker.
  • with trackPointer:true the popup will follow the pointer device.

more at :


Every control needs a position on the map canvas, set it with position with one of the four corners eg: top-left, bottom-right ...

Attribution Control as mx-attribution-control

See the mapbox/maplibre doc for more details

Scale Control as mx-scale-control

See the mapbox/maplibre doc for more details

Fullscreen Control as mx-fullscreen-control

See the mapbox/maplibre doc for more details

Geolocate Control as mx-geolocate-control

  • You can register specific events too

See the mapbox/maplibre doc for more details

Navigation Control as mx-navigation-control

See the mapbox/maplibre doc for more details

any other Control as mx-i-control

<mx-map v-bind="map" >
  <mx-i-control :position="top-left">
    <h4>{{ some title}}</h4>
    <button>some value</button>
  • Use the default slot to populate the control with any HTML
  • it receive standart mapbox classes for styling : mapboxgl-ctrl mapboxgl-ctrl-group
  • TODO : should set the malibre equivalent classes too.

Source & Layer as mx-source & mx-layer

<mx-map v-bind="map" >
  <mx-layer v-bind="walk" :source="{...options, data:geojson }" @click="walk.paint['line-color'] = randomColor()" />

  <mx-layer v-bind="sky"/>

  <mx-source id="flight" :data="geojson" v-bind="options">
    <mx-layer v-bind="fly.layer" @click="fly.layer.paint['line-color'] = randomColor()" />
    <mx-layer v-bind="fly.layer" .../>

  <mx-source id="sourceId" ...>
  <mx-layer id="SoloLayer" source="sourceID" .../>
  • Layers can hold there own source, but is not reactive
  • Layers without a source is allowed eg:sky
  • TODO: Layers have a v-visibility directive for ... visibility
  • Sources hold the data/image/video/tiles ... and is reactive
  • Sources can hold several Layers, allowing for filtering and specific styling
  • You can reference a Source for Layer by id, but without reactivity.

More at :


TODO : addImage, ...

Feature state

TODO: setFeatureState, removeFeatureState


<section class="mpx-map-wrapper">
  <mx-map v-bind="map">
    <mx-style v-bind="style"/>
  style: {
    light: {
      anchor: 'viewport',
      color: 'white',
      intensity: 0.4
    terrain: {
      "source": {
        'type': 'raster-dem',
        'url': 'mapbox://mapbox.mapbox-terrain-dem-v1',
        'tileSize': 512,
        'maxzoom': 14
      "exaggeration": 2
    fog: {
      "range": [-0.5, 3],
      "color": "white",
      "horizon-blend": 0.1
  • Allow to set Light, Terrain & Fog
  • If you need a sky set it as a layer.
  • TODO : allow to change style dynamicaly

Coordinates notations

If you come from other web map librairies you know that there no convention for coordinates notations. Mapbox use the lngLat parameter so do we. this could be an Array<Number, Number> or an Object<{lat, lng}>

Differences with v-mapbox or vue-mapbox or vue-mapbox-gl