

This repository uses git submodules to pull in the various workspace dependencies.

To clone this repo:

git clone --branch=<branch> --recurse-submodules https://github.com/LoopKit/LoopWorkspace

Replace <branch> with the initial LoopWorkspace repository branch you wish to checkout.


Change to the cloned directory and open the workspace in Xcode:

cd LoopWorkspace
xed .

Input your development team

You should be able to build to a simulator without changing anything. But if you wish to build to a real device, you'll need a developer account, and you'll need to tell Xcode about your team id, which you can find at https://developer.apple.com/.

Select the LoopConfigOverride file in Xcode's project navigator, uncomment the LOOP_DEVELOPMENT_TEAM, and replace the existing team id with your own id.


Select the "Loop (Workspace)" scheme (not the "Loop" scheme) and Build, Run, or Test.

Image showing how to select the Loop (Workspace) scheme in Xcode