Gradle task type and plugin for interacting with
- 6
Need to migrate publishing to maven central
#84 opened by trevjonez - 1
- 0
Gradle Configuration Cache support
#82 opened by plastiv - 0
Need support for AAB
#87 opened by anallur - 5
Issue Cannot parse package
#51 opened by matkt - 1
- 4
output files generated in the project folder
#26 opened by CristianGM - 2
Add style/lint checking to the CI flow.
#61 opened by trevjonez - 4
- 1
Automate publishing
#74 opened by trevjonez - 1
- 4
Problem with gradle 6.4
#77 opened by ligi - 0
Migrate from javaexec to worker api
#66 opened by trevjonez - 1
- 1
Support for --test-runner
#75 opened by eXaLy - 2
- 3
- 13
Composer tasks can't be run in parallel
#58 opened by plastiv - 5
- 2
Question - maintained
#56 opened by dannybduval - 6
Unable to use apk / testApk properties
#54 opened by dkostyrev - 7
Unable to create custom tast
#52 opened by emartynov - 1
Graceful Exit 1 handling
#53 opened by dannybduval - 4
- 2
Take Screenshot for Report With Composer.
#50 opened by loadin799 - 2
Clear screenshots
#48 opened by tir38 - 3
Tests duplication and wrong count
#47 opened by aleien - 3
Tasks not showing in task list
#37 opened by tir38 - 3
AGP + Gradle conflict
#43 opened by tir38 - 5
- 2
Getting warning: "WARNING: API 'variant.getAssemble()' is obsolete and has been replaced with 'variant.getAssembleProvider()'."
#39 opened by eothein - 7
Configuration is not working
#38 opened by eothein - 4
Support for AndroidX Orchestrator
#35 opened by b-demuth - 1
- 2
Upgrade composer to 0.4.0
#30 opened by lct8712 - 1
Starting on 0.8.0 ANDROID_HOME is required
#25 opened by CristianGM - 7
Support library modules
#23 opened by CristianGM - 3
Feature-Request: ability to have a global config
#19 opened by ligi - 1
Add documentation around using `instrumentationArgument` DSL method, and why you would.
#20 opened by JankoCvirn - 5
Not working on windows
#13 opened by bernatpl - 1
Feature-Request: add composer task
#18 opened by ligi - 1
Composer 0.3.2 removed test runner param
#16 opened by plastiv - 1
How to specify tests size?
#12 opened by juliocbcotta - 0
Update composer version
#14 opened by koral-- - 1
Juno composer 0.2.9 released
#11 opened by emartynov - 2
#10 opened by hyakuri-git - 1
Apk Timeout Flag
#8 opened by trevjonez - 2
- 2
Process 'command '/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_144.jdk/Contents/Home/bin/java'' finished with non-zero exit value 1
#4 opened by cchanthony - 2
Provide report file name
#5 opened by plastiv