Consensual Messaging 💌💬

🥇 Winner at ZuzaluHacks September 2023 in the Infrastructure and Public Goods track.

Consensual Messaging lets users send messages only when both parties have sent a message. Users encrypt their message, which the contract decrypts. If a matching pair is found in its logs, both users get the message. Otherwise, it awaits a match.

⚠️ NOTE: contracts currently do not have private keys, to be tackled using EIP 6551

🛠 Tech Stack

  • Frontend: Next.js
  • Backend: Express (socket connections)
  • Blockchain: Smart contracts on Sepolia 0x837BBE5CCb2Bf3d4a8A04cDcf9FF2d120b084cbf

🚀 Getting Started

Environment Variables

To set up your environment variables:

  1. Create a .env.local file in the frontend/ folder
  2. Add the following variable with your own RPC key

Setting Up the Project

  1. Navigate to the frontend directory:
    cd frontend
  2. Install all necessary dependencies:
    yarn install

Running the Project

  1. Fire up the socket server:
    node index.js
  2. Launch the web app:
    yarn dev

🖼 Slide Deck Pitch

View our pitch deck here!

👨‍🎓 Team

  • Tim Guo
  • Trevor Trinh
  • Desmond Lai

🙋‍♂️ Got Questions or Suggestions?

Feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request! We appreciate all feedback, as it helps us improve and grow the project. 🌱