
to generate .docx files on front-end by using tag template

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


NPM version


To generate .docx files on front-end by tag template.

docxload is a tool for generating .docx files, which is developed based upon docx. The package docx has rich configuration to meet most of demand about setting document content and content style, but its detailed configuration rules sometimes would generate a relatively complexed code. When there are too many document style or content, docx's nested style code would become low-readable, which is not good for maintenance.

docxload simplifies docx's configuration. It uses tag string to represent docx's class and generates docx configuration by combining different tags, which is easier to code and to read.


$npm install --save docxload


import docxload from 'docxload'

// when a tag attribute's data type is string, using Double quotes
// when a tag attribute's data type is js expression, using curly braces
// a tag attribute could have multiple subattributes configured as "key1: value1; key2: value2;", such as the "underline" attribute
let template = `
        underline="type: single; color: #000;"
      >Hello, </span>
      <span font-size={30}>docxload</span>

docxload(template).then(() => {
}).catch(err => {
  console.log('failed', err)

For more configuration examples, check out demo.


function docxload(template: string, option?: object | string): Promise


docxload has 2 parameters:
template:tag template;option:configuration option,is an optional parameter;

When option's data type is string, it would set the generated file's name;
When option's data type is object, it has following configuration fields:

Field Description Type Default
fileName the generated file's name,its default extension name is .docx String data.docx
immediate whether to generate a document immediately;
if false, docxload will generate the document's binary data in memory
Boolean true


docxload would return a Promise instance which resolves an array [blob, exportFile]:

Array Member Description Type
blob a Binary Object of the file to be generated Blob
exportFile a method for generating a file;
exportFile(blob, fileName)
accepts 2 parameters:blob as binary object,fileName as file name


let template = ...
function docxToPdf() { ... }

docxload(template, { immediate: false }).then(([blob, exportFile]) => {
  // processing the blob object
  let pdfBlob = docxToPdf(blob)
  exportFile(pdfBlob, 'data.pdf')
}).catch(err => {
  console.log('failed', err)


docxload has 2 types of tag:

  1. corresponding with a class in docx, supporting almost all the configuration of the class;
  2. representing some configuration code of docx

Tag Description Class in docx Configurable
<page></page> a page in the document -
<title></title> title - ×
<p></p> paragraph Paragraph
<span></span> text TextRun
<img /> image ImageRun
<table></table> table -
<row></row> a row of the table -
<cell></cell> a cell of the table -
<br /> break line - ×
<template></template> a placeholder, no meaning - ×

Tags should be nested according to the following level rules, tags at the same level should not be nested:

page > title, p, table > span, img, br

table > row > cell

note: the second level of the tags must be one of <title>, <p> or <table>.

<template> can be embeded in any tag level;
when writing a template in jsx syntax, some environment require a root tag in the template; <template> can be the root tag.

Tag Attributes

The following attributes have simplified some configurations of docx. For more attributes of a tag, please check out the documentation of the tag's corresponding class in docx. Please refer to this documentation when an attribute configuration is different from docx's.


Attribute Description Type Option Default
orientation orientation of the page String vertical - portrait
horizontal - landscape
header page header, it has several subattributes:
alignment: horizontal alignment;
format: string template, which provides template variables including current page number $pageCurrent, total page amount $pageTotal;
area: specific pages on which the header can be showed;
all attributes of tag <span> are supported
String alignment:
center, left, right, distribute, both, start, end;
all - all pages,
odd - odd number pages,
even - even number pages
footer page footer, its attribute configuration is identical to header's String - -


Attribute Description Type Option Default
alignment horizontal alignment String center, left, right, distribute, both, start, end left
heading title level String title, heading_1, heading_2, heading_3, heading_4, heading_5, heading_6 -
indent to increase indentation, one unit is one Tab indentation Number - -
spacing paragraph spacing, it has 4 subattributes:
before: spacing before paragraph, number, unit: pound;
after: spacing after paragraph, number, unit: pound;
line-rule: line rule;
line: line spacing value, number, its unit is decided by line-rule
String line-rule:
multiple - multiple line spacing,line's unit is row
atLeast - the minimum line spacing,line's unit is pound


Attribute Description Type Option Default
font-size font size of text Number - 20
bold to make text bold Boolean - false
italics italic text Boolean - false
color text color, using color name or color hex values String - -
highlight to highlight text, using color name String - -
all-caps to transform all the letters into capital letters Boolean - false
small-caps to transform all the letters into capital letters in mini style Boolean - false
strike strikethrough Boolean - false
double-strike double strikethrough Boolean - false
super-script superscript Boolean - false
sub-script subscript Boolean - false
underline underline
When is Boolean type and the value is true, using default underline style;
When is String type, it has two subattributes:
type: underline type; color: underline color
String, Boolean type:
single, word, double, thick, dotted, dottedheav, dash,
dashedheav, dashlong, dashlongheav, dotdash,dashdotheavy,
dotdotdas, dashdotdotheavy, wave, wavyheavy, wavydouble;


Attribute Description Type Option Default
width width of the image Number - 100
height height of the image Number - 100
src image resource, can be both url or base64 encoded data
when the src value is an url,docxload will request for the image automatically
String - -


Attribute Description Type Option Default
width the entire width of a table,
unit: %
String - 100%


Attribute Description Type Option Default
height the height of a row,
unit: cm
String, Number - 1cm


Attribute Description Type Option Default
width the width of a cell,
unit: %,
the percentage is relative to the entire table width
String - average width
colspan to merge columns Number - -
rowspan to merge rows Number - -
align horizontal alignment String center, left, right, distribute, both, start, end center
vertical-align vertical alignment String center, bottom, top center
fontSize font size Number - 20
border borders of a cell, it has 3 subattributes:
style: border style
size: border width, Number
color: border color, color hex values
String style:
single, dash_dot_stroked, dashed,dash_small_gap, dot_dash, dot_dot_dash,
dotted, double, double_wave, inset, nil,
none, outset, thick, thick_thin_large_gap, thick_thin_medium_gap,
thick_thin_small_gap, thin_thick_large_gap, thin_thick_medium_gap, thin_thick_small_gap, thin_thick_thin_large_gap,
thin_thick_thin_medium_gap, thin_thick_thin_small_gap, three_d_emboss, three_d_engrave, triple, wave
a border of a cell, its attribute configuration is indentical to border's String - -