
A Python script that checks for unread Private Messages from Gazelle-based trackers and forwards notifications to a Discord channel using a webhook.

Primary LanguagePython


This Python script checks for unread Private Messages (PMs) from Gazelle-based trackers and sends notifications to a specified Discord channel via a webhook.

How It Works

The script uses the Gazelle API's ajax.php?action=inbox endpoint to fetch your private messages and checks for unread messages received within the last 60 seconds. If any are found, the script sends a notification to a Discord channel using a webhook.


  • The tracker must expose the following endpoints:

    • ajax.php?action=inbox - to retrieve messages.
    • inbox.php?action=viewconv&id= - to view individual conversations.
  • You need a Discord webhook URL for posting notifications.

Getting Started


  1. Python 3.x installed.

  2. Install the required dependencies:

    pip install requests discord-webhook


  1. Gazelle Tracker API Details: Add your tracker details in the api_sources list inside the script, including:

    • name: The name of the tracker.
    • base_url: The base URL of the tracker.
    • inbox_endpoint: The API endpoint for fetching private messages (usually ajax.php?action=inbox).
    • api_key: Your tracker API key.
  2. Discord Webhook URL: Set your Discord webhook URL in the DISCORD_WEBHOOK_URL variable inside the if __name__ == "__main__": block.


    DISCORD_WEBHOOK_URL = "https://discord.com/api/webhooks/YOUR_WEBHOOK_URL"

Running the Script


Run the script using Python:

python gazelle_pm_notifier.py

Automating with crontab

To run the script automatically every minute, you can add it to your crontab:

  1. Open your crontab file for editing:

    crontab -e
  2. Add the following line to schedule the script to run every minute:

    * * * * * /usr/bin/python3 /path/to/your/pmerr.py

    Replace /usr/bin/python3 with the path to your Python 3 executable, and /path/to/your/pmerr.py with the full path to your script.

  3. Save and exit the editor. The script will now run every minute.

Example Notification

The bot sends a message to the configured Discord channel with the following details:

  • PM subject
  • Link to the conversation on the tracker
  • Tracker source


You can add as many Gazelle-based trackers as you'd like by extending the api_sources list with more entries.


Feel free to submit issues or pull requests for improvements.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.