TCG Player Price Tracker is a program that will allow you to track the TCG Player market value of your Pokemon* collection.
The prices are acquired by web scraping the data from and storing in a SQLite database.
(*) This has only been tested with Pokemon cards on TCG Player.
You must have Python3 to run this program.
A few pip installs are also needed as well.
python3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt
python3 <required_argument> <optional_argument>
python3 add ""
Adds a card to your collection.
python3 delete ""
Deletes a card from your collection.
python3 update
Updates pricing data for every card in your collection.
python3 export
Exports a text file of your collection in the form of TCG Player URLs. This text file can be ingested by using the import argument.
python3 export_collection
Exports your collection to a .csv including most recent price data.
python3 import "my_collection.txt"
Imports a text file of TCG Player URLs and adds them to your collection.
python3 worth
Outputs the total worth of your collection by using the most recent pricing data.
python3 graph_card_worth ""
Displays a graph of a given card's historical pricing data. Also includes a trend line.
python3 ticker
python3 ticker 30
Displays a ticker grid of the change in value over a given time. If run without the days back parameter it will default to 7 days.
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.