Digital Marketing Web Fundamentals Guide

What is this guide?
Jobs in digital (marketing or otherwise) emerge and change so fast that it is hard to find a course that teaches you everything that you need to know in order to be productive. The fundamentals skills and principles that underly these jobs however, do not change quite as fast. This map is meant to provide some structure and guidance for those looking to develop their technical skills.

Who is this for?
People who are interested in starting or developing a career in any area of digital marketing or digital analytics where technical skills are useful. (Most areas)

How do I use this guide?
You can follow it in sequential order, as much of it builds sequentially, but it doesn't have to be. It is also not meant to be a strict curriculum, but more of a structure to help you find the place where you want to be.

How was it this guide compiled?
The guide based on the experience and evaluation of those who have taken these steps and applied them in real life. The guide is open source and meant to make learning accessible and applicable for all who read it.

How can I contribute!?
That's the spirit! If you have something to add or want to add comments or critiques on the guide's contents, create an issue with your comments. (Contributing guidelines coming soon)

Now stop reading and go learn something!

Zero to 1

There are some building blocks- basic language and concepts that will make the learning journey go smoother and faster. They may not be as immediately gratifying as learning how to code but they reduce the likelihood that roadblocks will slow you down in the future.





The Internet as we know it would not exist without HTTP. It is a fundamental that can be learned and explored without learning to read or write code. Learn how URLs work, REST, POST vs GET, JSON and XML.




Web Pages, the Javascript DOM & AJAX

The entry point for understanding websites and web apps. Learn how to read and query the DOM enough to be dangerous. Make stuff with jQuery. Make stuff without jQuery.





Build things! Start with an idea and some data and ending with something useful. Automation, bots, programs, games- the only limits are your imagination and tenacity.





Most things that matter online use a database. Understand how data is stored in what way will help you uncover insights, think creatively, understand limitations.



  • Find a book on whichever flavor of DB you might be interested in



Answering questions, making decisions, and optimization with data. It is the manipulation and analysis of data combined with the structured, repeatable approach to analysis, communication, and application of derived information.


