National Parks Application using Habitat in Azure

This Terraform spins up the National Parks application using Habitat in Microsoft Azure!


  • Terraform >= 0.11.0
  • Microsoft Azure Account
  • Azure CLI
  • Cloned or Forked copy of this repository

Preflight Considerations

  • To keep secrets out of version control I've made it a habit of creating environment files for any of the terraform providers. This allows you for example to source ~/.env.d/azure prior to initializing and applying. If you'd like to use this method, the following example is the minimal environment needed:

    export TF_VAR_azure_sub_id=your-azure-subscription-id
    export TF_VAR_azure_tenant_id=your-azure-tenant-id
    export TF_VAR_azure_public_key_path=/path/to/your/public_ssh_key
    export TF_VAR_azure_private_key_path=/path/to/your/private_ssh_key

    To obtain your Azure Subscription ID and Azure Tenant ID, using Azure CLI perform an az login and you'll be on your way!

  • If you're testing this locally and don't intend to store it in version control, then it's safe to open and replace the values as needed.

Flight Time

  • Verify requirements
  • Review and implement the Preflight Considerations
  • Launch!
    azure git:master ❯ terraform init
    azure git:master ❯ terraform apply
  • At this point the necessary network and storage resources will be built, followed by the compute instances in the following order:
    • Initial Peer
    • MongoDB
    • National Parks Application


Once the terraform apply is complete, the external IPs of the above instances will be presented as output. You'll then be able to access the application on http://pip-np_app:8080 where pip-np_app is the output provided.

pip-initial_peer = xx.xx.xx.xx
pip-mongodb = xx.xx.xx.xx
pip-np_app = xx.xx.xx.xx