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Reddit Thread Messenger

This Node.js application allows you to message all users participating in a Reddit thread. It utilizes the Reddit API to retrieve usernames from a specified thread and sends them a message with a predefined subject and content.


This repo was put together to make it easier for the author to do product validation. Steps taken for this usecase:

  1. Find reddit thread related to the product you are seeking to validate
  2. Send message to users. Example message:
hey, there. sorry to bug you, just wanted to ask a quick question if that's alright..i'm building a [thing you are building]. [Statement about the value add of the thing you're building] .. after reading a few of your recent comments, it looks like you might be able to give insight on the validity of this product. I would love to hear your thoughts if you have them or, if you're interested we could [offer of value to the potential user]? .. thanks for your time, and have a good one!`
  1. Use reddit's message UI to continue conversations/further engage potential users.


Follow these steps to set up and use the Reddit Message Sender:

  1. Obtain Reddit API Credentials

    • Create a Reddit account if you don't have one.
    • Go to the Reddit App Preferences page and create a new app.
    • Obtain the client ID and client secret generated for your app.
  2. Set Up Environment Variables

    • Create a .env file in the project root directory.
    • Define the following environment variables in the .env file:
  3. Set Thread ID, Message Subject, and Content

    • Replace placeholders in the index.js file with your thread ID, message subject, and message content:
      const threadId = 'your_thread_id_here';
      const messageSubject = 'your_message_subject_here';
      const messageContent = `your_message_content_here`;
  4. Install Dependencies

    • Run npm install to install required dependencies.
  5. Run the Application

    • Execute node index.js to run the application and send one set of messages.
    • The program will retrieve usernames from the specified thread and send them the message.


Here's how you can set up the necessary parameters in the index.js file:

// Set the thread ID
const threadId = 'abc123'; // Replace with your thread ID

// Set the message subject and content
const messageSubject = 'Greetings from Reddit Bot';
const messageContent = `Hello there! You're receiving this message from our Reddit bot.`;