Learning React

I'm following along a course from Andrew Mead about React. I've done a few tutorials, such as Road To Learning React and a very simple toDo app from a Medium article.

This course it much more involved adn starts from the basics. I'm really understading a lot and React is amzing so far!

I've decided to create a repo for it just to highlight my learning experience whiles doing this course. It might take some time and I think watching my progress is a great indication of my journey learning React.

I originally started on Nov 1 2017 and it's Nov 4 2017 as I initially create this repo.

This course is huge and eventually covers Redux, which I am definitely looking forward to.

So far I've gotten way fmore comfortable with Babel, as in I'm actually using it very frequently to convert JSX to 'es5'.

The more I learn about React the more excited I get to actually create something big and I definitely can't wait. I might make a few small apps here and there but after this I plan on getting more familiar with Express and Node. I create dev servers on my own all day long in Nodebut that's pretty basic. My ultimate goal to to create a couple rubust MERN apps for my portfolio.

Thanks for reading!


I'm not planning on uploading this project to git but it's also from the same react course. I copied the Indecision app's folder and converted it to a 'boilerplate' and used that to create this porject, 'Expensify app'. These were the instructions from the course however there will be a better 'boilerplate' created in teh future.

November, 6th 2017

So far I have learned a great deal more about client how webpack works. Everything has basically stemmed from that, such as structuring seperate CSS(SCSS) files for components and specific uses.

Creating a dev server using webpack and running scripts to use babel and convert scss to css were also employed. Seeing these methods not only makes the entire process more amazing but makes me appreciate how efficient and powerful it is.

I've definitely come a long way from my first repo. I had a simple CSS file and es5 javascript with for loops. Now I'm using es6, SASS, imports, git and webpack. I'm definitely understanding react a lot more but I'm waiting until I create a full project to consider myself familiar. What I can honestly say is how amazed I am at the power of react and especially react router. I'm only beginning the course on the latter but already I can't wait to work on my first real, fully fledged react SPA.

It'll probably be a craigslist clone but I want it to be very involved. I'll most likely create two projects with that level of commitment, not including a rework of my portfolio, and then start applying for jobs.

It's been an amazing journey so far.