
I fucking hate dotfiles

Primary LanguageNix

I Fucking Hate Dotfiles


Existing Profile

To install based off of a profile for an existing machine, symlink the machine configuration directory to the repository root directory with the name current-machine.

For example, to configure star-platinum, one would run the following command in the root directory after a fresh clone of this repository:

ln -s ./machines/star-platinum ./current-machine
nix-shell --run rebuild

New Profile

To install based off of a new profile:

  • create a new directory with the machine name at machines/<new-machine-name>
  • ensure that isDarwin is updated in default.nix and shell.nix to reflect the new machine's host platform
  • perform the same steps as above to build and deploy the new machine's configuration


Once everything's been installed and is up and running, direnv allow will enable lorri and most of the nix-shell --run nonsense below can be elided.



The pinned sources tracked in ./nix/sources.json are managed with niv, and can be updated as follows:

nix-shell --run "niv update"

The next time a nix-shell is entered, or any of the scripts defined in shell.nix are run, the new sources will be pulled from.

This project contains a .envrc file that will trigger lorri via direnv. This should mean that any changes that would modify the Nix environment will be evaluated and cached as a GC Root thanks to the lorri daemon running in the background.

Just in case, lorri --watch-once can be used to make sure everything's buttoned up before running nix-collect-garbage -d to clear out unused dependencies and free up space.


TODO: Start linking to the stuff that helped me set this repository up in the first place.