linkerd examples
🎈 Welcome to linkerd-examples! 👋
This repo contains subdirectories with various examples for how to use linkerd and namerd. Each of the subdirectories is described below.
Getting started
Provides guides for getting linkerd up and running in multiple different environments, including local development, docker-compose, DC/OS, and Kubernetes. More information:
Add steps demo
Provides a self-contained docker-compose environment that can be used to test linkerd's performance. More information:
Provides a self-contained docker-compose environment which shows how to use consul as a service discovery back-end with linkerd.
Provides common configurations for deploying linkerd and namerd to DC/OS. More information:
Contains files and scripts for building custom Docker images that are used in some of the examples in this repo.
Amazon ECS
Provides common configurations for deploying linkerd to Amazon ECS. More information:
Failure accrual demo
Provides a self-contained docker-compose environment that can be used to test various failure accrual settings. More information:
Gob's microservice
Defines an example microservice application that uses linkerd and namerd to do staging, canary, and blue-green deploy.
Contains a linkerd configuration file that demonstrates how to make requests through linkerd using the http_proxy environment variable. More information:
Sets up a demo environment that configures a linkerd-viz-like dashboard using linkerd, Telegraf, InfluxDB, and Grafana. Provides helpful configuration files and dashboards for all components.
Provides common configurations for deploying linkerd to Istio. More information:
A Service Mesh for Kubernetes
Defines a sample hello world app and multiple configs for deploying the app to Kubernetes in various configurations, in support for Buoyant's "A Service Mesh for Kubernetes" series of blog posts. More information:
- A Service Mesh for Kubernetes, Part I: Top-Line Service Metrics
- Getting Started: Running in Kubernetes with DaemonSets
Sets up a demo environment that uses linkerd to route HTTP traffic and linkerd-tcp to route Redis traffic. Provides helpful configuration files and dashboards for all components.
Mesos + Marathon
Demonstrates running linkerd and a sample hello world app on Mesos and Marathon, without DC/OS.
Contains sample code for building linkerd plugins. More information:
docker run -v `pwd`:/root/linkerd-examples --entrypoint=/root/linkerd-examples/.circleci/ buoyantio/linkerd:1.3.2