
a coding problem from every day

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

python daily code projects

projects from https://www.dailycodingproblem.com/


  • 2: array multiplication
  • 4: find missing integers in O(N) time an O(1) space
  • 6: XOR doubly linked list
  • 9: largest sum of non-adjacent numbers
  • 12: addition combinations to reach a total
  • 13: largest substring with limited characters
  • 17: decompress directory listing
  • 18: sub-array maximums
  • 25: implement partial regex
  • [ ]


  • 3: serialize and deserialize binary tree
  • 5: pairs
  • 7: decode numbers to strings
  • 10: job scheduler
  • 11: find strings in array that start with a query string
  • 14: estimate pi to 3 decimal places
  • 15: pick random item from stream
  • 19: unique values in a grid
  • 22: squished string splitting
  • 24: lockable binary tree
  • 26: remove the kth last element from linked list
  • 28: justify text exactly by adding spaces
  • 30: water in 2D height graph
  • 36: find the second largest node in a binary tree


  • 1: max sum of 2 array items
  • 8: count sub unival trees
  • 16: record order logs
  • 20: 2 singly linked list intersection
  • 21: time slots
  • 23: matrix maze navigation
  • 27: test if sets of brackets "([{}])" are valid
  • 29: encoding duplicate characters

helper files

node.py - binary tree or doubly linked list node classes