
Open source, expressive cross-platform Ui framework with an easy to use syntax, enjoys fast rendering via nanovg

Primary LanguageNimApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Ocicat Ui Framework (oui)

⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️

Project has been killed. Why?

I'm no longer a full-time programmer & Flutter fulfills all the goals of oui; it has hot reloading and constraint layouts with near native performance on all major platforms (windows/android/ios).

Also in hindsight, Nim was a bad choice for such a project. Zero hot reloading without messy hacks and still struggles to be setup on windows with any consistency (dom96/choosenim#263 is still a problem)

⚠️ ⚠️ ⚠️

⚠️ Read the manual before trying and understand that oui is pre-v1.0.0 with lots of bugs ⚠️

Open source, and expressive Ui framework with near native preformance, an easy to use syntax, addon modules, and a GUI for seamless deployments (Desktop & Mobile) fw


  • No html/css/nodejs
  • Support for both desktop & mobile via glfw/glfm
  • GUI for cross-platform deployments
  • Drawing is done via nanovg
  • 7 UiNodes
    • Window
    • Box
    • Text
    • Canvas
    • Image
    • Layout
  • 9 included widgets (Aka. 1 or more UiNodes)
    • Button
    • Textbox
    • Combobox
    • Row
    • Column
    • List
    • Stack
    • SwipeView
    • Popup
  • Addons that add support for
    • MapBox (very soon)

Minimal code example

import oui

  id app
  title "Minimal App"
  size 600, 400
  color 0, 0, 200
    color "#212121"
      fill parent
      w parent.w / 2

Check out the demo application for a more realistic example. Or read the manual for an explanation of whats above


Listed below is what certain or all oui modules depend on. Nimble dependencies are listed in the oui.nimble file

  • nim v1.4.x
  • nanovg
  • glfw (desktop only)
  • gflm (mobile only)
  • androidndk (android only)
  • oui's tangram-es fork (oui/map.nim only)



Check https://www.nim-lang.org/downloads and go grab nim's latest version (v1.4.x)

Install a package like glfw or glfw-x11 or glfw-wayland from your distro's package manager. nim can be also installed using your package manager, but only if it contains the latest nim version

Windows 10

Download git https://git-scm.com/downloads Download nim https://www.nim-lang.org/downloads

> git clone https://github.com/Microsoft/vcpkg.git C:\vcpkg
> cd C:\vcpkg
> .\bootstrap-vcpkg.bat
> .\vcpkg install glfw3:x64-windows
> .\vcpkg integrate install

importing oui/map.nim requires


Android studio and gradle are not required

The following information is lacking. A more detailed explination will be added to the manual at somepoint.

Execute the CLI oui/deployandroid to download/setup the >5gb androidsdk.

> oui/deployandroid setup sdk:29 jdk:8

Compile your nim modules/files like so:

> oui/deployandroid buildapk abi:armeabi nimfile:/absolute/path/app.nim Your built apk will be located @ 'working_dir/.generated/final-output.apk'

Connect your device via USB (make sure developer mode & usb debugging is enabled!)

> oui/deployandroid buildapk abi:armeabi nimfile:/absolute/path/app.nim > oui/deployandroid logcat


> git clone https://github.com/trey-c/oui.git
> cd oui
> nimble install


oui is licensed under the Apache-2.0 License - check LICENSE for more details