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NetApp E-Series Prometheus exporter

The E-Series exporter collects metrics from NetApp E-Series via the SANtricity Web Services Proxy.

This exporter is intended to query multiple E-Series controllers from an external host.

The /eseries metrics endpoint exposes E-Series metrics and requires the target parameter.

The /metrics endpoint exposes Go and process metrics for this exporter.


Collectors are enabled or disabled via a config file.

Name Description Default
drives Collect status information about drives Enabled
drive-statistics Collect statistics on drives Disabled
controller-statistics Collect controller statistics Enabled
storage-systems Collect status information about storage systems Enabled
system-statistics Collect storage system statistics Enabled
hardware-inventory Collect hardware inventory statuses Enabled


The configuration defines targets that are to be queried. Example:

    user: monitor
    password: secret
    proxy_url: http://localhost:8080
    timeout: 10
    user: monitor
    password: secret
    proxy_url: http://localhost:8080
    timeout: 10
      - drives
      - storage-systems
    user: monitor
    password: secret
    proxy_url: https://proxy.example.com
    root_ca: /etc/pki/tls/root.pem
    insecure_ssl: false
    timeout: 10

This exporter could then be queried via one of these two commands below. The eseries2 target will only run the drives and storage-systems collectors.

curl http://localhost:9310/eseries?target=eseries1
curl http://localhost:9310/eseries?target=eseries2&module=status-only

If no timeout is defined the default is 10.

If the HTTP schema used for proxy_url is https then the exporter will attempt to use the system CA truststore as well as any root CA specified with root_ca option. By default certificate verification is enabled, set insecure_ssl to disable SSL verification.


This exporter expects to communicate with SANtricity Web Services Proxy API and that your storage controllers are already setup to be accessed through that API.

This repo provides a Docker based approach to running the Web Services Proxy:

cd webservices_proxy
docker build -t webservices_proxy .

The above Docker container will have admin:admin as the credentials and can be run using a command like the following:

docker run -d --rm -it --name webservices_proxy --network host -e ACCEPT_EULA=true \
-v /var/lib/eseries_webservices_proxy/working:/opt/netapp/webservices_proxy/working \

NOTE: During testing it seemed in order for a Docker based proxy to communicate with E-Series controllers the container had to use the host's network.

Example of settig up the Web Services Proxy with an E-Series system. Replace PASSWORD with the password for your E-Series system. Replace ID with the name of your system. With IP1 and IP2 with IP addresses of your controllers for the system.

curl -X POST -u admin:admin "http://localhost:8080/devmgr/v2/storage-systems" \
-H  "accept: application/json" -H  "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
  "id": "ID", "controllerAddresses": [ "IP1" , "IP2" ],
  "acceptCertificate": true, "validate": false, "password": "PASSWORD"

If your storage systems have UUID style IDs this is a way to query the names for each ID:

$ curl -u admin:admin http://localhost:8080/devmgr/v2/storage-systems 2>/dev/null | \
  jq -r '.[] | "ID: \(.id)\tname: \(.name)"'
ID: f0d2fadc-3e16-46c5-b62e-c9ab6d430b50    name: eseries1
ID: 25db8d36-6732-495d-b693-8add202750d6    name: eseries2


Example of running the Docker container

docker run -d -p 9313:9313 -v "eseries_exporter.yaml:/eseries_exporter.yaml:ro" treydock/eseries_exporter

This repo also provides a Docker Compose file that can be used to run both the Web Services Proxy and this exporter.

docker-compose up -d

See dependencies section for steps necessary to bootstrap the Web Services Proxy.


Download the latest release

Add the user that will run eseries_exporter

groupadd -r eseries_exporter
useradd -r -d /var/lib/eseries_exporter -s /sbin/nologin -M -g eseries_exporter -M eseries_exporter

Install compiled binaries after extracting tar.gz from release page.

cp /tmp/eseries_exporter /usr/local/bin/eseries_exporter

Install the necessary dependencies, see dependencies section

Add the necessary config, see configuration section

Add systemd unit file and start service. Modify the ExecStart with desired flags.

cp systemd/eseries_exporter.service /etc/systemd/system/eseries_exporter.service
systemctl daemon-reload
systemctl start eseries_exporter

Build from source

To produce the eseries_exporter binary:

make build


go get github.com/treydock/eseries_exporter

Prometheus configs

The following example assumes this exporter is running on the Prometheus server and communicating to the remote E-Series API.

- job_name: eseries
  metrics_path: /eseries
  - targets:
    - eseries1
    - eseries2
  - source_labels: [__address__]
    target_label: __param_target
  - source_labels: [__param_target]
    target_label: instance
  - target_label: __address__
- job_name: eseries-metrics
  metrics_path: /metrics
  - targets:
    - localhost:9313

The following is an example if your E-Series web proxy is using UUIDs or other cryptic IDs:

- job_name: eseries
  metrics_path: /eseries
  - targets:
    - f0d2fadc-3e16-46c5-b62e-c9ab6d430b50
      name: eseries1
  - targets:
    - 25db8d36-6732-495d-b693-8add202750d6
      name: eseries2
  - source_labels: [__address__]
    target_label: __param_target
  - target_label: __address__
  - source_labels: [name]
    target_label: instance
  - regex: '^(name)$'
    action: labeldrop