
Puppet Type for GPG key management

Primary LanguageRuby


Puppet Forge Build Status

The gpg_key module lets you manage GPG keys with Puppet.

Currently the only provider is to import RPM GPG keys.


Puppet Versions < 2.6 2.6 2.7 3.x 4.x
gpg_key 0.0.x no no yes yes yes


Tested using

  • CentOS 5.9
  • CentOS 6.4
  • Fedora 18



Installs a GPG key at the given path. This type autorequires the file resource in path

file { 'RPM-GPG-KEY-foo':
  ensure  => present,
  path    => '/etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-foo',
  source  => 'file:///modules/foo/RPM-GPG-KEY-foo',

gpg_key { 'foo':
  path  => '/etc/pki/rpm-gpg/RPM-GPG-KEY-foo',



Type: gpg_key

This type provides the capability to manage GPG keys within Puppet.


Indicates if the GPG key should be imported or removed.

Can either be present or absent. Defaults to present.


The path of the GPG key to import.

This value must be an absolute filesystem path.



Make sure you have:

  • rake
  • bundler

Install the necessary gems:

bundle install

Run the tests from root of the source code:

bundle exec rake test

If you have Vagrant you can also run system tests:

bundle exec rake beaker
BEAKER_set=centos-59-x64 bundle exec rake beaker
BEAKER_set=fedora-18-x64 bundle exec rake beaker