
puppet-lint plugin to check for empty lines at the end of a manifest

Primary LanguageRubyOtherNOASSERTION


This plugin will check to see if a manifest has trailing empty lines.


From the command line

gem install puppet-lint-empty_trailing_lines

In a Gemfile

gem 'puppet-lint-empty_trailing_lines', :require => false


This plugin provides a new check to puppet-lint.

What you have done

  # There are two empty lines after the code has ended
    file { '/foo':
      ensure => 'file',

What you should have done

  # No empty lines left at the end of the file
    file { '/foo':
      ensure => 'file',

Disabling the check

Control comment

# lint:ignore:empty_trailing_lines

From the command line


In your Rakefile
