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Function Scaffolding

Here are a few scripts and templates that will make writing modular powershell more pleasant.

This is IT!!! The ULTIMATE!

(New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadFile("", "$($env:UserProfile)\Downloads\"); $env:PSModulePath -Split ";" | ForEach-Object { Expand-Archive -Path "$($env:UserProfile)\Downloads\" -Destination "$_\" -Force }

Develop it! (fix this nonsense)

# After you've cloned
.\Posh-Init.ps1 # I KNOW! This should be its own module

# New Module!!
New-Moddd "GG"

# New Function!!! it's a public function in the GG module! (also an INTERNAL option)
New-FuncInMod "Run-Something" "GG" "Public"

# New Function!!! it has nothing to do with any modules!!!
New-Funccc "Say-NotSomething"

Use it!

Import-Module pshcaffolding #powershell gallery

New-PModule ... # creates new folder/symlink/...

New-PFunction ... # Function-Name Module-Name

New-PScript ... # Creates script in Scripts/