
Creates a readme file via command-line application.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Professional README Generator


This application provides a professional README using node. The user simply answers the questions provided and a README file is generated based on the responses provided.

Code Utilized

This application was made using JavaScript.

What to Expect

When "node index.js" is run:

  • Prompts are given to the user.
  • Once the user answers all of the prompts, a new README is generated based on their responses.
  • A clear license badge is displayed at the top of the README.
  • Contact information can be found at the bottom of the README.

Walkthrough Video

Click this link to watch a walkthrough video on how this application works:

View the README Generator walkthrough on YouTube!

Examples of the Application

This is what the prompts will look like to the user:

Example of Node Prompts

Here is an example of a generated README after all prompts have been answered:

Example of generated README