
Org-style folding for dwim-fold

Primary LanguageEmacs Lisp


Use dwim interface to org-folding

Library Information

fold-dwim-org.el --- Fold DWIM bound to org key-strokes.

  • Filename -- fold-dwim-org.el
  • Description -- Fold DWIM bound to org key-strokes.
  • Author -- Matthew L. Fidler & Shane Celis
  • Maintainer -- Matthew L. Fidler
  • Created -- Tue Oct 5 12:19:45 2010 (-0500)
  • Version -- 0.6
  • Package-Requires -- ((fold-dwim "1.2"))
  • Last-Updated -- Fri Dec 2 08:57:02 2011 (-0600)
  • By -- Matthew L. Fidler
  • Update # -- 108
  • URL -- https:__github.com_mlf176f2_fold-dwim-org
  • Keywords -- Folding Emacs Org-mode Compatibility:


3-Dec-2013 Matthew L. Fidler
Last-Updated: Fri Dec 2 08:57:02 2011 (-0600) #108 (Matthew L. Fidler) Fix looking-at-end-of-line. See Issue #6.

  • 19-Nov-2013 -- Version bump after integrating LaTex folding. (Matthew L. Fidler)
  • 18-Nov-2013 -- Bug fix and version bump. (Matthew L. Fidler)
  • 12-Nov-2013 -- Upload to marmalade. (Matthew L. Fidler)
  • 02-Dec-2011 -- Added Autoload cookies (Matthew L. Fidler)
  • 08-Feb-2011 -- Added code to byte-compile properly (Matthew L. Fidler)
  • 08-Feb-2011 -- Updated ELPA type comments. (Matthew L. Fidler)
  • 15-Nov-2010 -- Bug fix -- make sure to save excursion. (Matthew L. Fidler)
  • 05-Nov-2010 -- Will not hide when there is a region selected. (US041375)
  • 02-Nov-2010 -- Made post-command-hook enclosed in condition-case (Matthew L. Fidler)
  • 28-Oct-2010 -- Do not fold while expanding a yasnippet. (Matthew L. Fidler)
  • 25-Oct-2010 -- Removed string check (Matthew L. Fidler)
  • 25-Oct-2010 -- Changed symbol (Matthew L. Fidler)
  • 25-Oct-2010 -- Added check based on last point is equal to current point and current line is equal to what is was before. (Matthew L. Fidler)
  • 25-Oct-2010 -- Added interface to allow pre and post command hooks instead of overwriting the definition of [TAB]. Doesn't mess with as many key bindings... (Matthew L. Fidler)
  • 25-Oct-2010 -- Added indent-for-tab-command when key is undefined... (Matthew L. Fidler)