
Docker image for PHP Code Standard Fixer - https://github.com/FriendsOfPHP/PHP-CS-Fixer

Primary LanguageDockerfile


Docker image for PHP Code Standard Fixer.

Usage examples

Gitlab CI

# .gitlab-ci.yml
  - test

  stage: test
  image: ninobysa/php-cs-fixer
    - php-cs-fixer fix --dry-run -vvv --diff ./src

Local usage

docker run --rm -v $(pwd):/app ninobysa/php-cs-fixer fix ./src


In the settings search for "PHP CS Fixer" under "Quality Tools" and add a "configuration" :

  1. Click "..." then "+" and "..." again.
  2. Click "+" & select "From Docker".
  3. Set ninobysa/php-cs-fixer as "Image name" (you can use a specific version, for example: ninobysa/php-cs-fixer:v3.3.1-php7.4)
  4. Click "Ok", wait for the installation check and click "Ok" on the "Cli Interpreters" window.
  5. Select the newly added interpreter
  6. Set php-cs-fixer as "PHP CS Fixer path".
  7. You're done!

You can find these instructions as a video here.