Ruby script that will enable user to download their resume from the Zety website without being a premium user
Make sure you have Ruby installed on your computer and get the following gem via terminal.
- gem install selenium-webdriver
- gem install wicked_pdf
Go to, sign up as a user and create your resume with their templates. It is important that you sign up as a user instead of logging in with Facebook/Google.
When you are done with your resume, click preview and save the link in your clipboard. It should be in the following format: "<some code>#preview"
Run the script using "ruby path/to/script/directory/zety_downloader.rb"
Follow the instructions and you should have the PDF generated for you within 20 seconds. If not, please ensure that your email, password and preview link is correct and try again.
PS: The script does not store your password or any login credentials. It simply automates many clicks, and remove Zety's javascript and use the CSS and HTML that I customized to generate the PDF.