
Snapshot Manager

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

Snapm CI


Snapshot manager (snapm) is a tool for managing sets of snapshots on Linux systems. The snapm tool allows snapshots of multiple volumes to be captured at the same time, representing the system state at the time the set was created.

The tool has a modular plugin architecture allowing different snapshot backends to be used together. Currently snapshots using LVM2 copy-on-write and thinly provisioned snapshots are supported.

Snapm aims to be a simple and extensible, and to be able to create snapshots for a wide range of Linux system configurations.

This project is hosted at:

For the latest version, to contribute, and for more information, please visit the project pages.

To clone the current main (development) branch run:

git clone git://github.com/snapshotmanager/snapm.git

Reporting bugs

Please report bugs by opening an issue in the GitHub Issue Tracker

Building and installing Snapm

A setuptools based build script is provided: local installations and package builds can be performed by running python setup.py and a setup command. See python setup.py --help for detailed information on the available options and commands.

The snapm command uses the boom boot manager to manage boot entries for the snapshots that it creates. If installing snapm manually, Install boom first: either from your distribution repositories or the upstream Git repo. Snapshot manager is tested with boom-1.6.4 and later.

Building an RPM package

A spec file is included in the repository that can be used to build RPM packages of snapm. The packit service is also enabled for new pull requests and will automatically build packages for fedora-stable, fedora-development, epel-9, centos-stream-9, and centos-stream-10.

The snapm command

The snapm command is the main interface to the snapshot manager. It is able to create, delete, and display snapshots and snapshot sets and provides reports listing the snapshots and snapshot sets available on the system.

Snapm commands normally operate on a particular object type: a snapshot set or an individual snapshot.

# snapm snapset <command> <options> # `snapset` command
# snapm snapshot <command> <options> # `snapshot` command

Snapshot sets

Snapshot manager groups snapshots taken at the same moment in time into a named "snapshot set", or snapset. This allows the snapshots to be managed as a single unit and simplifies the management of snapshots of multiple volumes. Each snapshot set must contain at least one snapshot.

Snapm subcommands


The snapset subcommand is used to create, delete, rename, activate, deactivate, list and display snapsets.


Create a new snapset with the provided name and list of mount points.

# snapm snapset create [-b|--bootable] [-r|--revert] <name> mount_point...
Size Policies

Size policies can be used to control the size of fixed-sized snapshots and to check for available space when creating a snapshot set.

Some snapshot implementations (Lvm2CoW) require a fixed size to be specified for the snapshot backstore when the snapshot is created. The default size allocated by snapshot manager is 2x the current file system usage, allowing the existing content of the volume to be overwritten twice before exhausting the snapshot space.

Plugins for snapshot providers that do not require a fixed snapshot size will check that space is available for the requested size policy at snapshot set creation time.

Size policy hints can be manually given on the command line to override the default behavior on a per-mount point basis. Four policies are available:

  • FIXED - a fixed size given on the command line
  • FREE - a percentage fraction of the free space available
  • USED - a percentage fraction of the space currently used on the mount point (may be greater than 100%)
  • SIZE - a percentage fraction of the origin device size from 0 to 100%

The FIXED size policy accepts optional units of KiB, MiB, GiB, TiB, PiB, EiB and ZiB. Units may be abbreviated to the first character.

Per-mount point size policies are specified by adding a ':' and the required policy to the corresponding mount point path, for example:

# snapm snapset create backup /:2G /var:1G /home
# snapm snapset create backup /:25%FREE /var:25%FREE /home
# snapm snapset create backup /:100%USED /var:100%USED /home
# snapm snapset create backup /:100%SIZE /var:100%SIZE /home

If no size policy is specified the default 200%USED is applied. To ensure a volume can be completely overwritten specify 100%SIZE. This requires more storage capacity but avoids the snapshot running out of space.

A default size policy for all mount points that do not specify an explicit per-mount point policy can be set with the --size-policy argument:

# snapm snapset create backup --size-policy 100%SIZE / /home /var

On success the snapm snapset create command displays the newly created snapshot set on stdout:

# snapm snapset create -br --size-policy 100%USED backup / /home /var
SnapsetName:      backup
MountPoints:      /, /home, /var
NrSnapshots:      3
Time:             2024-06-18 20:13:02
UUID:             9650baf8-e771-51fa-a0dd-f516447f3740
Status:           Active
Autoactivate:     yes
Bootable:         yes
  SnapshotEntry:  0b98db4
  RevertEntry:    d96a135

Delete an existing snapset by name or uuid.

# snapm snapset delete <name|uuid>

Rename an existing snapset.

# snapm snapset rename <old_name> <new_name>

Revert an existing snapset, re-setting the content of the origin volumes to the state they were in at the time the snapset was created. The snapset to be reverted may be specified either by its name or uuid.

# snapm snapset revert <name|uuid>

If the origins of the snapshot set are in use at the time of the revert the operation is deferred until the next time the snapshot set is activated (for example during a reboot). If a revert boot entry was created for the snapshot set the revert command will suggest booting into it to continue:

# snapm snapset revert upgrade
WARNING - Snaphot set upgrade origin is in use: reboot required to complete revert
Boot into 'Revert upgrade 2024-06-10 15:25:15 (6.8.9-300.fc40.x86_64)' to continue

Activate the members of an existing snapset, or all snapsets if no name or uuid argument is given.

# snapm snapset activate [<name|uuid>]

Deactivate the members of an existing snapset, or all snapsets if no name or uuid argument is given.

# snapm snapset deactivate [<name|uuid>]

Enable or disable autoactivation for the snapshots in a snapshot set.

# snapm snapset autoactivate [--yes|--no] [<name|uuid>]

List available snapsets matching selection criteria.

# snapm snapset list [<name|uuid>]

By default the information is presented as a tabular report with column headings indicating the meaning of each value. The default column selection includes the SnapsetName, Time, NrSnapshots, Status, and MountPoints fields:

# snapm snapset list
SnapsetName  Time                 NrSnapshots Status  MountPoints
backup       2024-06-18 20:13:02            3 Active  /, /home, /var
upgrade      2024-06-18 20:21:29            3 Active  /, /home, /var

Custom field specifications may be given with the -o/--options argument. To obtain a list of available fields run snapm snapset list -o+help:

# snapm snapset list -o+help
Snapshot set Fields
  name         - Snapshot set name [str]
  uuid         - Snapshot set UUID [uuid]
  timestamp    - Snapshot set creation time as a UNIX epoch value [num]
  time         - Snapshot set creation time [time]
  nr_snapshots - Number of snapshots [num]
  mountpoints  - Snapshot set mount points [strlist]
  status       - Snapshot set status [str]
  autoactivate - Autoactivation status [str]
  bootable     - Configured for snapshot boot [str]
  bootentry    - Snapshot set boot entry [sha]
  revertentry  - Snapshot set revert boot entry [sha]

To specify custom fields pass a comma separated list to -o:

# snapm snapset list -oname,time
SnapsetName  Time
backup       2024-06-18 20:13:02
upgrade      2024-06-18 20:21:29

To add fields to the default field set prefix the list of fields with the + character:

# snapm snapset list -o+bootentry,revertentry
SnapsetName  Time                 NrSnapshots Status  MountPoints              SnapshotEntry RevertEntry
backup       2024-06-18 20:13:02            3 Active  /, /home, /var           0b98db415a504 d96a135311e15
upgrade      2024-06-18 20:21:29            3 Active  /, /home, /var           a981dad40357d d87f7dc57950a

The report can also be produced in JSON notation, suitable for parsing by other tools using the --json argument:

# snapm snapset list --json
    "Snapsets": [
            "snapset_name": "backup",
            "snapset_time": "2024-06-18 20:13:02",
            "snapset_nr_snapshots": 3,
            "snapset_status": "Active",
            "snapset_mountpoints": [
            "snapset_name": "upgrade",
            "snapset_time": "2024-06-18 20:21:29",
            "snapset_nr_snapshots": 3,
            "snapset_status": "Active",
            "snapset_mountpoints": [

For further report formatting options refer to the snapm(8) manual page.


Display available snapsets matching selection criteria.

# snapm snapset show [<name|uuid>]

By default the output is formatted in the same way as the output of the snapm snapset create command:

# snapm snapset show upgrade
SnapsetName:      upgrade
MountPoints:      /, /var, /home
NrSnapshots:      3
Time:             2024-06-18 20:21:29
UUID:             bbe5a2e3-7467-5fd2-93bf-6e921b0845d7
Status:           Active
Autoactivate:     yes
Bootable:         yes
  SnapshotEntry:  a981dad
  RevertEntry:    d87f7dc

The individual snapshots making up each set are also displayed if --members is used:

# snapm snapset show --members
SnapsetName:      upgrade
MountPoints:      /, /var, /home
NrSnapshots:      3
Time:             2024-06-18 20:21:29
UUID:             bbe5a2e3-7467-5fd2-93bf-6e921b0845d7
Status:           Active
Autoactivate:     yes
Bootable:         yes
  SnapshotEntry:  a981dad
  RevertEntry:    d87f7dc
    Name:           fedora/root-snapset_upgrade_1718738489_-
    SnapsetName:    upgrade
    Origin:         /dev/fedora/root
    Time:           2024-06-18 20:21:29
    MountPoint:     /
    Provider:       lvm2-cow
    UUID:           7e6ddffe-220f-5cdf-80d7-0d7e95b88a24
    Status:         Active
    Size:           3.1GiB
    Free:           3.1GiB
    Autoactivate:   yes
    DevicePath:     /dev/fedora/root-snapset_upgrade_1718738489_-
    VolumeGroup:    fedora
    LogicalVolume:  root-snapset_upgrade_1718738489_-

    Name:           fedora/var-snapset_upgrade_1718738489_-var
    SnapsetName:    upgrade
    Origin:         /dev/fedora/var
    Time:           2024-06-18 20:21:29
    MountPoint:     /var
    Provider:       lvm2-cow
    UUID:           0a9d0467-5941-573e-99b5-041ee6693925
    Status:         Active
    Size:           1.4GiB
    Free:           1.4GiB
    Autoactivate:   yes
    DevicePath:     /dev/fedora/var-snapset_upgrade_1718738489_-var
    VolumeGroup:    fedora
    LogicalVolume:  var-snapset_upgrade_1718738489_-var

    Name:           fedora/home-snapset_upgrade_1718738489_-home
    SnapsetName:    upgrade
    Origin:         /dev/fedora/home
    Time:           2024-06-18 20:21:29
    MountPoint:     /home
    Provider:       lvm2-thin
    UUID:           81cb2222-cac5-5177-a8dc-c07701f16599
    Status:         Active
    Size:           1.0GiB
    Free:           1.9GiB
    Autoactivate:   yes
    DevicePath:     /dev/fedora/home-snapset_upgrade_1718738489_-home
    VolumeGroup:    fedora
    LogicalVolume:  home-snapset_upgrade_1718738489_-home

The output is also available in JSON notation using the --json argument:

# snapm snapset show upgrade --json
        "SnapsetName": "upgrade",
        "MountPoints": [
        "NrSnapshots": 3,
        "Timestamp": 1718738489,
        "Time": "2024-06-18 20:21:29",
        "UUID": "bbe5a2e3-7467-5fd2-93bf-6e921b0845d7",
        "Status": "Active",
        "Autoactivate": true,
        "Bootable": true,
        "BootEntries": {
            "SnapshotEntry": "a981dad",
            "RevertEntry": "d87f7dc"

The output is a JSON array of dictionaries describing each configured snapshot set.

Similarly for --members:

# snapm snapset show --members --json
        "SnapsetName": "upgrade",
        "MountPoints": [
        "NrSnapshots": 3,
        "Timestamp": 1718738489,
        "Time": "2024-06-18 20:21:29",
        "UUID": "bbe5a2e3-7467-5fd2-93bf-6e921b0845d7",
        "Status": "Active",
        "Autoactivate": true,
        "Bootable": true,
        "BootEntries": {
            "SnapshotEntry": "a981dad",
            "RevertEntry": "d87f7dc"
        "Snapshots": [
                "Name": "fedora/root-snapset_upgrade_1718738489_-",
                "SnapsetName": "upgrade",
                "Origin": "/dev/fedora/root",
                "Timestamp": 1718738489,
                "Time": "2024-06-18 20:21:29",
                "MountPoint": "/",
                "Provider": "lvm2-cow",
                "UUID": "7e6ddffe-220f-5cdf-80d7-0d7e95b88a24",
                "Status": "Active",
                "Size": "3.1GiB",
                "Free": "3.1GiB",
                "SizeBytes": 3279945728,
                "FreeBytes": 3278961744,
                "Autoactivate": true,
                "DevicePath": "/dev/fedora/root-snapset_upgrade_1718738489_-"
                "Name": "fedora/var-snapset_upgrade_1718738489_-var",
                "SnapsetName": "upgrade",
                "Origin": "/dev/fedora/var",
                "Timestamp": 1718738489,
                "Time": "2024-06-18 20:21:29",
                "MountPoint": "/var",
                "Provider": "lvm2-cow",
                "UUID": "0a9d0467-5941-573e-99b5-041ee6693925",
                "Status": "Active",
                "Size": "1.4GiB",
                "Free": "1.4GiB",
                "SizeBytes": 1463812096,
                "FreeBytes": 1461616377,
                "Autoactivate": true,
                "DevicePath": "/dev/fedora/var-snapset_upgrade_1718738489_-var"
                "Name": "fedora/home-snapset_upgrade_1718738489_-home",
                "SnapsetName": "upgrade",
                "Origin": "/dev/fedora/home",
                "Timestamp": 1718738489,
                "Time": "2024-06-18 20:21:29",
                "MountPoint": "/home",
                "Provider": "lvm2-thin",
                "UUID": "81cb2222-cac5-5177-a8dc-c07701f16599",
                "Status": "Active",
                "Size": "1.0GiB",
                "Free": "1.9GiB",
                "SizeBytes": 1073741824,
                "FreeBytes": 2079837914,
                "Autoactivate": true,
                "DevicePath": "/dev/fedora/home-snapset_upgrade_1718738489_-home"


The snapshot command is used to manipulate, list, and display snapshots.

snapshot activate

Activate individual snapshots matching selection criteria.

# snapm snapshot activate [-N name] [-U uuid] [<name|uuid>]
snapshot deactivate

Deactivate individual snapshots matching selection criteria.

# snapm snapshot deactivate [-N name] [-U uuid] [<name|uuid>]
snapshot autoactivate

Enable or disable autoactivation for individual snapshots matching selection criteria.

# snapm snapshot autoactivate [--yes|--no] [-N name] [-U uuid] [<name|uuid>]
snapshot list

List available snapshots matching selection criteria.

# snapm snapshot list [<name|uuid>]

By default the information is presented as a tabular report with column headings indicating the meaning of each value. The default column selection includes the SnapsetName, Name, Origin, MountPoint, Status, Size, Free, Autoactivate, and Provider fields:

# snapm snapshot list
SnapsetName  Name                                         Origin           MountPoint       Status  Size   Free   Autoactivate Provider
upgrade      fedora/root-snapset_upgrade_1718738489_-     /dev/fedora/root /                Active  3.1GiB 3.1GiB yes          lvm2-cow
upgrade      fedora/var-snapset_upgrade_1718738489_-var   /dev/fedora/var  /var             Active  1.4GiB 1.4GiB yes          lvm2-cow
upgrade      fedora/home-snapset_upgrade_1718738489_-home /dev/fedora/home /home            Active  1.0GiB 1.9GiB yes          lvm2-thin

Custom field specifications may be given with the -o/--options argument. To obtain a list of available fields run snapm snapset list -o+help:

# snapm snapshot list -o+help
Snapshot Fields
  name         - Snapshot name [str]
  uuid         - Snapshot UUID [uuid]
  origin       - Origin [str]
  mountpoint   - Snapshot mount point [str]
  devpath      - Snapshot device path [str]
  provider     - Snapshot provider plugin [str]
  status       - Snapshot status [str]
  size         - Snapshot size [size]
  free         - Free space available [size]
  size_bytes   - Snapshot size in bytes [num]
  free_bytes   - Free space available in bytes [num]
  autoactivate - Autoactivation status [str]

Snapshot set Fields
  name         - Snapshot set name [str]
  uuid         - Snapshot set UUID [uuid]
  timestamp    - Snapshot set creation time as a UNIX epoch value [num]
  time         - Snapshot set creation time [time]
  nr_snapshots - Number of snapshots [num]
  mountpoints  - Snapshot set mount points [strlist]
  status       - Snapshot set status [str]
  autoactivate - Autoactivation status [str]
  bootable     - Configured for snapshot boot [str]
  bootentry    - Snapshot set boot entry [sha]
  revertentry  - Snapshot set revert boot entry [sha]

To specify custom fields pass a comma separated list to -o:

# snapm snapshot list -osnapset_name,status,devpath
SnapsetName  Status  DevicePath
upgrade      Active  /dev/fedora/root-snapset_upgrade_1718738489_-
upgrade      Active  /dev/fedora/var-snapset_upgrade_1718738489_-var
upgrade      Active  /dev/fedora/home-snapset_upgrade_1718738489_-home

To add fields to the default field set prefix the list of fields with the + character:

# snapm snapshot list -o+devpath
SnapsetName  Name                                         Origin           MountPoint       Status  Size   Free   Autoactivate Provider  DevicePath
upgrade      fedora/root-snapset_upgrade_1718738489_-     /dev/fedora/root /                Active  3.1GiB 3.1GiB yes          lvm2-cow  /dev/fedora/root-snapset_upgrade_1718738489_-
upgrade      fedora/var-snapset_upgrade_1718738489_-var   /dev/fedora/var  /var             Active  1.4GiB 1.4GiB yes          lvm2-cow  /dev/fedora/var-snapset_upgrade_1718738489_-var
upgrade      fedora/home-snapset_upgrade_1718738489_-home /dev/fedora/home /home            Active  1.0GiB 1.9GiB yes          lvm2-thin /dev/fedora/home-snapset_upgrade_1718738489_-home

The report can also be produced in JSON notation, suitable for parsing by other tools using the --json argument:

# snapm snapshot list --json
    "Snapshots": [
            "snapset_name": "upgrade",
            "snapshot_name": "fedora/root-snapset_upgrade_1718738489_-",
            "snapshot_origin": "/dev/fedora/root",
            "snapshot_mountpoint": "/",
            "snapshot_status": "Active",
            "snapshot_size": "3.1GiB",
            "snapshot_free": "3.1GiB",
            "snapshot_autoactivate": true,
            "snapshot_provider": "lvm2-cow"
            "snapset_name": "upgrade",
            "snapshot_name": "fedora/var-snapset_upgrade_1718738489_-var",
            "snapshot_origin": "/dev/fedora/var",
            "snapshot_mountpoint": "/var",
            "snapshot_status": "Active",
            "snapshot_size": "1.4GiB",
            "snapshot_free": "1.4GiB",
            "snapshot_autoactivate": true,
            "snapshot_provider": "lvm2-cow"
            "snapset_name": "upgrade",
            "snapshot_name": "fedora/home-snapset_upgrade_1718738489_-home",
            "snapshot_origin": "/dev/fedora/home",
            "snapshot_mountpoint": "/home",
            "snapshot_status": "Active",
            "snapshot_size": "1.0GiB",
            "snapshot_free": "1.9GiB",
            "snapshot_autoactivate": true,
            "snapshot_provider": "lvm2-thin"

For further report formatting options refer to the snapm(8) manual page.

snapshot show

Display available snapshots matching selection criteria.

# snapm snapshot show [<name|uuid>]

By default the output is formatted in the same way as the output of the snapm snapset show --members command:

# snapm snapshot show
Name:           fedora/root-snapset_upgrade_1718738489_-
SnapsetName:    upgrade
Origin:         /dev/fedora/root
Time:           2024-06-18 20:21:29
MountPoint:     /
Provider:       lvm2-cow
UUID:           7e6ddffe-220f-5cdf-80d7-0d7e95b88a24
Status:         Active
Size:           3.1GiB
Free:           3.1GiB
Autoactivate:   yes
DevicePath:     /dev/fedora/root-snapset_upgrade_1718738489_-
VolumeGroup:    fedora
LogicalVolume:  root-snapset_upgrade_1718738489_-

Name:           fedora/var-snapset_upgrade_1718738489_-var
SnapsetName:    upgrade
Origin:         /dev/fedora/var
Time:           2024-06-18 20:21:29
MountPoint:     /var
Provider:       lvm2-cow
UUID:           0a9d0467-5941-573e-99b5-041ee6693925
Status:         Active
Size:           1.4GiB
Free:           1.4GiB
Autoactivate:   yes
DevicePath:     /dev/fedora/var-snapset_upgrade_1718738489_-var
VolumeGroup:    fedora
LogicalVolume:  var-snapset_upgrade_1718738489_-var

Name:           fedora/home-snapset_upgrade_1718738489_-home
SnapsetName:    upgrade
Origin:         /dev/fedora/home
Time:           2024-06-18 20:21:29
MountPoint:     /home
Provider:       lvm2-thin
UUID:           81cb2222-cac5-5177-a8dc-c07701f16599
Status:         Active
Size:           1.0GiB
Free:           1.9GiB
Autoactivate:   yes
DevicePath:     /dev/fedora/home-snapset_upgrade_1718738489_-home
VolumeGroup:    fedora
LogicalVolume:  home-snapset_upgrade_1718738489_-home

The output is also available in JSON notation using the --json argument:

# snapm snapshot show --json
        "Name": "fedora/root-snapset_upgrade_1718738489_-",
        "SnapsetName": "upgrade",
        "Origin": "/dev/fedora/root",
        "Timestamp": 1718738489,
        "Time": "2024-06-18 20:21:29",
        "MountPoint": "/",
        "Provider": "lvm2-cow",
        "UUID": "7e6ddffe-220f-5cdf-80d7-0d7e95b88a24",
        "Status": "Active",
        "Size": "3.1GiB",
        "Free": "3.1GiB",
        "SizeBytes": 3279945728,
        "FreeBytes": 3278961744,
        "Autoactivate": true,
        "DevicePath": "/dev/fedora/root-snapset_upgrade_1718738489_-"
        "Name": "fedora/var-snapset_upgrade_1718738489_-var",
        "SnapsetName": "upgrade",
        "Origin": "/dev/fedora/var",
        "Timestamp": 1718738489,
        "Time": "2024-06-18 20:21:29",
        "MountPoint": "/var",
        "Provider": "lvm2-cow",
        "UUID": "0a9d0467-5941-573e-99b5-041ee6693925",
        "Status": "Active",
        "Size": "1.4GiB",
        "Free": "1.4GiB",
        "SizeBytes": 1463812096,
        "FreeBytes": 1461616377,
        "Autoactivate": true,
        "DevicePath": "/dev/fedora/var-snapset_upgrade_1718738489_-var"
        "Name": "fedora/home-snapset_upgrade_1718738489_-home",
        "SnapsetName": "upgrade",
        "Origin": "/dev/fedora/home",
        "Timestamp": 1718738489,
        "Time": "2024-06-18 20:21:29",
        "MountPoint": "/home",
        "Provider": "lvm2-thin",
        "UUID": "81cb2222-cac5-5177-a8dc-c07701f16599",
        "Status": "Active",
        "Size": "1.0GiB",
        "Free": "1.9GiB",
        "SizeBytes": 1073741824,
        "FreeBytes": 2079837914,
        "Autoactivate": true,
        "DevicePath": "/dev/fedora/home-snapset_upgrade_1718738489_-home"

The output is a JSON array of dictionaries describing each configured snapshot.


The plugin command is used to display information on the available snapshot provider plugins.

plugin list

The plugin list command lists the available plugins:

# snapm plugin list
PluginName PluginVersion PluginType
lvm2-cow   0.1.0         Lvm2CowSnapshot
lvm2-thin  0.1.0         Lvm2ThinSnapshot

Reporting commands

The snapm snapset list and snapm snapshot list commands generate a tabular report as output. To control the list of displayed fields use the -o/--options FIELDS argument:

# snapm snapset list -oname,mountpoints
SnapsetName  MountPoints
backup       /, /home, /var
userdata     /data, /home

To add extra fields to the default selection, prefix the field list with the + character:

# snapm snapset list -o+uuid
SnapsetName  Time                 NrSnapshots Status  MountPoints              SnapsetUuid
backup       2023-11-21 16:01:31            3 Active  /, /home, /var           fb76b84b-b615-5aa7-8b2c-713614794a12
userdata     2023-11-21 15:58:08            2 Active  /data, /home             6eb17db2-c95d-5fb0-8daa-5934d7c9c2d4

To display the available fields for either report use the field name help.

snapset fields:

# snapm snapset list -o help
Snapshot set Fields
  name         - Snapshot set name [str]
  uuid         - Snapshot set UUID [uuid]
  timestamp    - Snapshot set creation time as a UNIX epoch value [num]
  time         - Snapshot set creation time [time]
  nr_snapshots - Number of snapshots [num]
  mountpoints  - Snapshot set mount points [strlist]
  status       - Snapshot set status [str]

snapshot fields:

# snapm snapshot list -o help
Snapshot Fields
  snapshot_name - Snapshot name [str]
  snapshot_uuid - Snapshot UUID [uuid]
  origin        - Snapshot origin [str]
  mountpoint    - Snapshot mount point [str]
  devpath       - Snapshot device path [str]
  provider      - Snapshot provider plugin [str]
  status        - Snapshot status [str]

Snapshot set Fields
  name          - Snapshot set name [str]
  uuid          - Snapshot set UUID [uuid]
  timestamp     - Snapshot set creation time as a UNIX epoch value [num]
  time          - Snapshot set creation time [time]
  nr_snapshots  - Number of snapshots [num]
  mountpoints   - Snapshot set mount points [strlist]
  status        - Snapshot set status [str]

JSON reports

All reports can optionally be formatted as JSON for parsing by other tools using the --json argument:

# snapm plugin list --json
    "Plugins": [
            "plugin_name": "lvm2-cow",
            "plugin_version": "0.1.0",
            "plugin_type": "Lvm2CowSnapshot"
            "plugin_name": "lvm2-thin",
            "plugin_version": "0.1.0",
            "plugin_type": "Lvm2ThinSnapshot"

Getting help

Help is available for the snapm command and each subcommand.

Run the command with --help to display the full usage message:

# snapm --help
usage: snapm [-h] [-d DEBUGOPTS] [-v] [-V] {snapset,snapshot,plugin} ...

Snapshot Manager

positional arguments:
                        Command type
    snapset             Snapshot set commands
    snapshot            Snapshot commands
    plugin              Plugin commands

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
                        A list of debug options to enable
  -v, --verbose         Enable verbose output
  -V, --version         Report the version number of snapm

Subcommand help:

# snapm snapset --help
usage: snapm snapset [-h] {create,delete,rename,activate,deactivate,list,show} ...

positional arguments:
    create              Create snapshot sets
    delete              Delete snapshot sets
    rename              Rename a snapshot set
    activate            Activate snapshot sets
    deactivate          Deactivate snapshot sets
    list                List snapshot sets
    show                Display snapshot sets

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit

# snapm snapset create --help
usage: snapm snapset create [-h] [-b] [-r] SNAPSET_NAME MOUNT_POINT [MOUNT_POINT ...]

positional arguments:
  SNAPSET_NAME    The name of the snapshot set to create
  MOUNT_POINT     A list of mount points to include in this snapshot set

  -h, --help      show this help message and exit
  -b, --bootable  Create a boot entry for this snapshot set
  -r, --revert  Create a revert boot entry for this snapshot set


API documentation is automatically generated using Sphinx and Read the Docs.

Installation and user documentation will be added in a future update.