
Tools for serializing webgme models into xml and examples of plugins wrtting in other languges

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This repository provides an exporter of a snap-shot of a webgme project-tree into a serialized xml format based on xmi and emf's meta-model format ecore. The xmi can be used without regard to the ecore.

To use the plugin from this repository simply register the XMIExporter plugin on the root-node. To import the plugin into your own domain-repo invoke the following command (using webgme-cli):

webgme import plugin XMIExporter webgme/xmi-tools

which will install the head of the master.

Helpful commands when developing XMIExporter

Invoke plugin on code changes

set WRITE_FILES=something
nodemon ./node_modules/webgme/src/bin/run_plugin.js XMIExporter XMI