
Python cli tool to use tools for some common code quality checks (opinionated)

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

su6 checker


6 is pronounced as '/zɛs/' in Dutch, so 'su6' is basically 'success'.
This package will hopefully help achieve that!

PyPI - Version PyPI - Python Version
Code style: black License: MIT
su6 checks Coverage

Table of Contents


# quick install with all possible checkers:
pip install su6[all]
# or pick and choose checkers:
pip install [black,bandit,pydocstyle]

Note: this package does not work well with pipx, since a lot of the tools need to be in the same (virtual) environment of your code, in order to do proper analysis.

The following checkers are supported:


  • install: pip install su6[ruff]
  • use: su6 ruff [directory]
  • functionality: linter
  • pypi: ruff


  • install: pip install su6[black]
  • use: su6 black [directory] [--fix]
  • functionality: formatter
  • pypi: black


  • install: pip install su6[mypy]
  • use: su6 mypy [directory]
  • functionality: static type checker
  • pypi: mypy


  • install: pip install su6[bandit]
  • use: su6 bandit [directory]
  • functionality: security linter
  • pypi: bandit


  • install: pip install su6[isort]
  • use: su6 isort [directory] [--fix]
  • functionality: import sorter
  • pypi: isort


  • install: pip install su6[pydocstyle]
  • use: su6 pydocstyle [directory]
  • functionality: docstring checker
  • pypi: pydocstyle


  • install: pip install su6[pytest]
  • use: su6 pytest [directory] [--coverage <int>] [--json] [--html] [--badge <path>]
  • functionality: tester with coverage
  • pypi: pytest, pytest-cov


su6 --help
# or, easiest to start:
su6 all
# usual signature:
su6 [--verbosity=1|2|3] [--config=...] [--format=text|json] <subcommand> [directory] [...specific options]

where subcommand is all or one of the available checkers;
verbosity indicates how much information you want to see (default is '2').
config allows you to select a different .toml file (default is pyproject.toml).
format allows you to get a JSON output instead of the textual traffic lights (default is text).
directory is the location you want to run the scans (default is current directory);
In the case of black and isort, another optional parameter --fix can be passed. This will allow the tools to do the suggested changes (if applicable). Running su6 fix will run both these tools with the --fix flag.
For pytest, --json, --html, --badge <str> and --coverage <int> are supported. The latter two can also be configured in the pyproject.toml (see 'Configuration'). The first two arguments can be used to control the output format of pytest --cov. Both options can be used at the same time. The --coverage flag can be used to set a threshold for code coverage %. If the coverage is less than this threshold, the check will fail. If badge is set using cli or toml config, a SVG badge with the coverage % will be generated. This badge can be used in for example the README.md.


In your pyproject.toml, you can add a [tools.su6] section to configure some of the behavior of this tools. Currently, the following keys are supported:

directory = "." # string path to the directory on which to run all tools, e.g. 'src'
include = [] # list of checks to run (when calling `su6 all`), e.g. ['black', 'mypy']
exclude = [] # list of checks to skip (when calling `su6 all`), e.g. ['bandit']
stop-after-first-failure = false  # bool to indicate whether to exit 'all' after one failure or to do all checks
coverage = 100 # int threshold for pytest coverage 
badge = "coverage.svg"  # str path or bool (true | false) whether and where to output the coverage badge

All keys are optional. Note that if you have both an include as well as an exclude, all the tools in include will run and exclude will be fully ignored.
Additionally, the order in which the checks are defined in 'include', is the order in which they will run (in all and fix)

Github Action

In order to use this checker within Github to run checks after pushing, you can add a workflow (e.g. .github/workflows/su6.yaml) like this example:

name: run su6 checks
      - master
    name: Check with `su6 all`
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
      - uses: actions/setup-python@v4
          python-version: '3.11'
          cache: 'pip' # caching pip dependencies
      - run: pip install su6[all] .
      - run: su6 all

Note: if you don't want to run all checks, but specific ones only, you need to add the --ignore-uninstalled flag to su6 all! Otherwise, Github will see exit code 127 (command missing) as a failure.

name: run some su6 checks
      - master
    name: Check with `su6 all`
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
      - uses: actions/setup-python@v4
          python-version: '3.11'
          cache: 'pip' # caching pip dependencies
      - run: pip install su6[pycodestyle,black] .
      - run: su6 all --ignore-uninstalled  # ... other settings such as --stop-after-first-failure, --coverage ...


This tool also supports plugins to add extra checkers or other functionality. See docs/plugins.md for information on how to build a Plugin.


robinvandernoord/su6-plugin-svelte-check is a Plugin that adds svelte-check functionality.
Can be installed using pip install su6[svelte-check]


robinvandernoord/su6-plugin-prettier is a Plugin that adds prettier.io functionality.
Can be installed using pip install su6[prettier]


su6 is distributed under the terms of the MIT license.


See CHANGELOG.md on GitHub