
Our collection of useful cucumber steps.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Spreewald is a collection of useful steps for cucumber. Feel free to fork.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'spreewald'

And then execute:

$ bundle

Or install it yourself as:

$ gem install spreewald


Steps are grouped into a number of categories. You can pick and choose single categories by putting something like

require 'spreewald/email_steps'

into either your support/env.rb or a step_defitions/spreewald_steps.rb.

Alternatively, you can require everything by doing

require 'spreewald/all_steps'

Waiting for page load

Spreewald's web steps are all aware that you might run them with a Selenium/Capybara webdriver, and wait for the browser to finish loading the page, if necessary.

This is done by rerunning any assertions until they suceed or a timeout is reached.

We consider a couple of potential exceptions as "retriable", including Capybara::ElementNotFound, (R)Spec::Expectations::ExpectationNotMetError, Capybara::Poltergeist::ClickFailed

You can add your own error class with ToleranceForSeleniumSyncIssues::RETRY_ERRORS << 'MyCustomError'

You can achieve this in your own steps by wrapping them inside a patiently do block, like

Then /^I should see "([^\"]*)" in the HTML$/ do |text|
  patiently do
    page.body.should include(text)

More info here.


The "Steps" section is autogenerated by rake update_readme from comments in the step definitions.



  • Then it should work

    Marks scenario as pending

  • Then debugger

    Starts debugger, or Pry if installed

  • @slow

    Waits 2 seconds after each step

  • @single

    Waits for keypress after each step


  • When I clear my e?mails

  • Then (an|no) e?mail should have been sent with:


      Then an email should have been sent with:
        From: max.mustermann@example.com
        Reply-To: mmuster@gmail.com
        To: john.doe@example.com
        Subject: The subject may contain "quotes"
        Attachments: ...
        Message body goes here.

    You can skip lines, of course. Note that the mail body is only checked for inclusion.

  • When I follow the (first|second|third)? link in the e?mail

    Only works after you have retrieved the mail using "Then an email should have been sent with:"

  • Then no e?mail should have been sent

  • Then I should see "..." in the e?mail

    Checks that the last sent email includes some text

  • Then show me the e?mails

    Print all sent emails to STDOUT.

  • Then that e?mail should( not)? have the following lines in the body:

    Only works after you've retrieved the email using "Then an email should have been sent with:"


      And that mail should have the following lines in the body:
        All of these lines
        need to be present
  • Then that e?mail should have the following body:

    Only works after you've retrieved the email using "Then an email should have been sent with:" Checks that the text should be included in the retrieved email


  • Given the file "..." was attached( as (.../)?...)? to the ... above( at "...")?

    Attach a file to the given ActiveRecord model's last record.

    Example (Company has a file attribute):

    Given the file "image.png" was attached to the company above

    You may specify the attribute under which the file is stored …

    Example (Company has a logo attribute):

    Given the file "image.png" was attached as logo to the company above

    … or both a container class and its attribute name

    Example (Company has many Images, Image has a file attribute)

    Given the file "image.png" was attached as Image/file to the company above

    To simultaneously set the updated_at timestamp:

    Given the file "some_file" was attached to the profile above at "2011-11-11 11:11"


  • Then I should( not)? see a table with (exactly )?the following rows( in any order)?

    Check the content of tables in your HTML.

    See this article for details.


Steps to travel through time using Timecop.

See this article for details.

  • When the (date|time) is "?(\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}( \d{1,2}:\d{2})?)"?


      Given the date is 2012-02-10
      Given the time is 2012-02-10 13:40
  • When the time is "?(\d{1,2}:\d{2})"?


      Given the time is 13:40
  • When it is (\d+|a|some|a few) (seconds?|minutes?|hours?|days?|weeks?|months?|years?) (later|earlier)


      When it is 10 minutes later
      When it is a few hours earlier


Most of cucumber-rails' original web steps plus a few of our own.

Note that cucumber-rails deprecated all its steps quite a while ago with the following deprecation notice. Decide for yourself whether you want to use them:

This file was generated by Cucumber-Rails and is only here to get you a head start These step definitions are thin wrappers around the Capybara/Webrat API that lets you visit pages, interact with widgets and make assertions about page content.

If you use these step definitions as basis for your features you will quickly end up with features that are:

  • Hard to maintain
  • Verbose to read

A much better approach is to write your own higher level step definitions, following the advice in the following blog posts:

  • When ... within (.*[^:])

    You can append within [selector] to any other web step


      Then I should see "some text" within ".page_body"
  • Given I am on ...

  • When I go to ...

  • Then I should be on ...

  • When I press "..."

  • When I follow "..."

  • When I fill in "..." (with|for) "..."

    Fill in text field

  • When I fill in "..." (with|for) '...'

    Fill in text field

  • When I select "..." from "..."

    Select from select box

  • When I check "..."

    Check a checkbox

  • When I uncheck "..."

    Uncheck a checkbox

  • When I choose "..."

    Select a radio button

  • When I attach the file "..." to "..."

    Attach a file to a file upload form field

  • Then I should see "..."

    Checks that some text appears on the page

    Note that this does not detect if the text might be hidden via CSS

  • Then I should see /([^/]*)/

    Checks that a regexp appears on the page

    Note that this does not detect if the text might be hidden via CSS

  • Then I should not see "..."

  • Then I should not see /([^/]*)/

  • Then the "..." field should (not )?contain "..."

    Checks that an input field contains some value (allowing * as wildcard character)

  • Then(the "(.*?)" field should (not )?contain:)

    Checks that a multiline textarea contains some value (allowing * as wildcard character)

  • Then I should see a form with the following values:

    Checks that a list of label/value pairs are visible as control inputs.


      Then I should see a form with the following values:
        | E-mail | foo@bar.com   |
        | Role   | Administrator |
  • Then the "..." field should have the error "..."

    Checks that an input field was wrapped with a validation error

  • Then the "..." field should( not)? have an error

  • Then the "..." field should have no error

  • Then the radio button "..." should( not)? be (checked|selected)

  • Then I should have the following query string:


      I should have the following query string:
        | locale        | de  |
        | currency_code | EUR |

    Succeeds when the URL contains the given locale and currency_code params

  • Then show me the page

    Open the current Capybara page using the launchy gem

  • Then I should( not)? see a field "..."

    Checks for the existance of an input field (given its id or label)

  • Then I should( not)? see the (number|amount) ([-\d,.]+)( (.*?))?

    Use this step to test for a number or money amount instead of a simple Then I should see

    Checks for an unexpected minus sign, correct decimal places etc.

    See here for details

  • Then I should get a response with content-type "..."

    Checks Content-Type HTTP header

  • Then I should get a download with filename "..."

    Checks Content-Disposition HTTP header

    Attention: Doesn't work with Selenium, see https://github.com/jnicklas/capybara#gotchas

  • Then "..." should be selected for "..."

    Checks that a certain option is selected for a text field

  • Then nothing should be selected for "..."?

  • Then "..." should( not)? be an option for "..."

    Checks for the presence of an option in a select

  • Then I should see '([^']*)'

    Like Then I should see, but with single instead of double quotes. In case the expected string contains quotes as well.

  • Then I should see "..." in the HTML

    Check that the raw HTML contains a string

  • Then I should not see "..." in the HTML

  • Then I should see an error

    Checks that status code is 400..599

  • When I reload the page

  • Then (the tag )?"..." should( not)? be visible

    Checks that an element is actually visible, also considering styles Within a selenium test, the browser is asked whether the element is really visible In a non-selenium test, we only check for .hidden, .invisible or style: display:none

    More details here

  • When I click on "..."

    Click on some text that might not be a link

  • Then "..." should link to "..."

    Use this step to check external links.


      Then "Sponsor" should link to "http://makandra.com"
  • Then I should (not )?see an element "..."


      Then I should see an element ".page .container"
  • Then I should get a text response

    Checks that the result has content type text/plain

  • When I follow "..." inside any "..."

    Click a link within an element matching the given selector. Will try to be clever and disregard elements that don't contain a matching link.


      When I follow "Read more" inside any ".text_snippet"
  • Then I should( not)? see "..." inside any "..."

  • When I fill in "..." with "..." inside any "..."

  • When I confirm the browser dialog

  • When I cancel the browser dialog

  • When I enter "..." into the browser dialog

  • When I switch to the new tab

  • Then I should see in this order:?

    Checks that these strings are rendered in the given order in a single line or in multiple lines


      Then I should see in this order:
        | Alpha Group |
        | Augsburg    |
        | Berlin      |
        | Beta Group  |
  • Then the "..." (field|button) should( not)? be disabled

    Tests that an input or button with the given label is disabled.

  • Then the "..." field should( not)? be visible

    Tests that a field with the given label is visible.

  • When I wait for the page to load

    Waits for the page to finish loading and AJAX requests to finish.

    More details here.

  • When I perform basic authentication as ".../..." and go to ...

    Performs HTTP basic authentication with the given credentials and visits the given path.

    More details here.

  • When I go back

    Go to the previously viewed page.