A Vite powered WebExtension (Chrome, FireFox, etc.) starter template.
This extension is used to track a user's tab activity, we only use metadata and don’t capture any personal information.
- Add or delete a domain
- Save tracked domains & tracking token in local storage
- Blocked domains cannot be enabled for tracking
There are 3 individual parts that are working together
- Background Script: This is the brains of the extension. All the tracking logic and code to send data to the server are - written in this file.
- User Interface: This part help users interact with the extension, users can add, block or enable domains to be tracked by the extension.
- Content Script: It helps the extension interact with pages opened or visited by the user.
More details here: https://developer.chrome.com/docs/extensions/mv3/getstarted/extensions-101/
Pre-requisite: The user needs to be onboarded on the Tribes.ai platform
- When a user first installs the extension, a new tab is opened and asks users to log in if they are not already logged in.
- After login, the user is redirected to https://app.tribes.ai/settings#browser-extension
- A token is generated on the platform and the token would be automatically picked by extension and stored in the memor(Without token data won’t be sent to the server)
- ⚡️ Instant HMR - use Vite on dev (no more refresh!)
- 🥝 Vue 3 - Composition API,
<script setup>
syntax and more! - 💬 Effortless communications - powered by
and VueUse storage - 🍃 Windi CSS - on-demand CSS utilities
- 🦾 TypeScript - type safe
- 📦 Components auto importing
- 🌟 Icons - Access to icons from any iconset directly
- 🖥 Content Script - Use Vue even in content script
- 🌍 WebExtension - isomorphic extension for Chrome, Firefox, and others
- 📃 Dynamic
with full type support
- WebExtension browser API Polyfill with typeswebext-bridge
- effortlessly communication between contexts
- Directly usebrowser
and Vue Composition API without importingunplugin-vue-components
- components auto importunplugin-icons
- icons as componentsvite-plugin-windicss
- WindiCSS support
- VueUse - collection of useful composition APIs
- Windi CSS - next generation utility-first CSS framework
- Use Composition API with
<script setup>
SFC syntax - ESLint with @antfu/eslint-config, single quotes, no semi
- TypeScript
- pnpm - fast, disk space efficient package manager
- esno - TypeScript / ESNext node runtime powered by esbuild
- npm-run-all - Run multiple npm-scripts in parallel or sequential
- web-ext - Streamlined experience for developing web extensions
- tldts - library to extract hostnames, domains, public suffixes, top-level domains and subdomains from URLs.
- rollup - for building and bundling background and content script.
- main source.contentScript
- scripts and components to be injected ascontent_script
- scripts for background.components
- auto-imported Vue components that shared in popup and options page.styles
- styles shared in popup and options pagemanifest.ts
- manifest for the extension.utils
- Common function used across whole codebase.
- extension package root.assets
- static assets.dist
- built files, also serve stub entry for Vite on development.
- development and bundling helper scripts.rollup.config.js
- rollup config, helps in building and bundling of background and content script.
- Node v16 LTS
- .env files
Clone repo if you haven't first and run (this step in required only once)
If you don't have pnpm installed, run: npm install -g pnpm
pnpm i
To run development server
pnpm run:dev*
Then load extension in browser with the extension/
For Firefox developers, you can run the following command instead:
pnpm start:firefox
auto reload the extension when extension/
files changed.
Due to manifest v3 changes HMR doesn't work anymore for UI and background script, whenever changes are done to background script you have to manually refresh the extension using reload button.
run-p dev:*
: this script will run all the commands starting withdev
listed in package.json in parllel.dev:prepare
: this will run prepare script inside/scripts/prepare.ts
: This command will take config fromvite.config.ts
and process the .vue files insidesrc/popup
, convert them into js, bundle them and write toextension/dist/popup
along with if any assets available intoextension/dist/assets
. Files will be watched by the bundler, any changes to .vue files will result in re-bundling of files.dev:bg
: This command will take rollup.config.js, process.ts
files inside/src/background
, convert them into js and bundle them, and write toextensions/dist/background
respectively along with any assets available intoextension/dist/assets
. Files will be watched by the bundler, any changes tosrc/background
files will result in re-bundling of files.
Also .env.development
file will be used to inject .env values as NODE_ENV is set to development.
To build the extension, run
pnpm build:<env name>
e.g. pnpm build:sta (staging) or pnpm build:prod (production)
Note: Make sure that .env files are present and values are injected correctly into the code before uploading to any store.
And then pack files under extension
, you can upload extension.crx
or extension.xpi
to appropriate extension store.
There are three commands which run when we build the extension e.g.
npm run build:prepare && vite build --mode production && rollup -c --environment NODE_ENV:production
- npm run build:preapre
This command will create manifest.json
file from src/manifest.ts
- vite build --mode production
This command will take config from vite.config.ts
and process the .vue files inside src/popup
, convert them into js, bundle them and write to extension/dist/popup
along with if any assets available into extension/dist/assets
Also .env.production
file will be used to inject .env values as the --mode is set to production
- rollup -c --environment NODE_ENV:production
This command will take rollup.config.js, process .ts
files inside /src/background
and /src/contentScripts
, convert them into js and bundle them,
and write to extensions/dist/background
& extension/dist/contentScripts
respectively along with any assets available into extension/dist/assets
Also .env.production
file will be used to inject .env values as NODE_ENV is set to production.
IMPORTANT: Always bump up the version is all the .env
files and package.json
before building and deploying extension to store.