
Start with JS Standard style but push towards better readability, git-awareness, vim-usability, and React and ES6 best practices

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


npm version CircleCI Project Status: Active - The project has reached a stable, usable state and is being actively developed.

Start with JS Standard Style but push towards better readability, git-awareness, vim-usability, and React and ES6 best practices.

Quick Start

NOTE: If you're migrating from eslint-config-tribou and want to maintain compatibility, see the Legacy Configuration.

npm install --save-dev \
    eslint-plugin-tribou \
    babel-eslint \

Then add the following to your .eslintrc:

  "extends": [
  "plugins": [

Or add an .eslintrc.yml:

  - plugin:tribou/recommended

  - tribou

# Wow, that was easier... 😉


By default, Flow typing is required for an entire project since eslint-plugin-flowtype will require the \\ @flow annotation to be set at the top of every file and subsequently check for all other flow annotation requirements in that file. This allows new projects to enforce Flow typing on every file from the start.

If you do not wish to use Flow typing on every file (or at all) in a project, this config can still enforce all of its other standards (including Flow linting on files that do have the // @flow annotation). To disable this "universal" Flow typing requirement in your .eslintrc:

  "settings": {
    "flowtype": {
      "onlyFilesWithFlowAnnotation": true

Or in your .eslintrc.yml:

    onlyFilesWithFlowAnnotation: true

Prettier Usage

Like using prettier? You can ignore rules that affect prettier styles with eslint-config-prettier


npm install --save-dev eslint-config-prettier

And add the configs to your .eslintrc.yml:

  - plugin:tribou/recommended
  - prettier
  - prettier/flowtype
  - prettier/react

  - tribou

Legacy Configuration

In order to apply the rules equivalent to eslint-config-tribou@^3.0.0, install v0.3.0 instead:

npm install --save-dev \
    eslint-plugin-tribou@^0.3.0 \
    babel-eslint@^8.0.0 \