
nginx asg

Primary LanguageShell


CLI tool to create nginx asg in aws vpc

PreRequisite :

  1. Need linux shell like sh, bash, zsh, gitbash etc…
  2. Need IAM user/role with privileges to create Ec2 instance, Security Group, Launch Configuration, Auto Scaling Group and Load Balancers
  3. Install latest terraform
  4. Get the UBUNTU AMI ID from this link depending on the region : https://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/locator/ec2 The CLI was tested using 18.04 LTS AMD64 arch
  5. Get the AWS VPC where the nginx asg needs to be launched. The assumption is there is at least one public subnet associated with this vpc


When the CLI is successfully executed the nginx server is launched as an ASG with LoadBalancer as the point of accessing the index.html as shown in pic

Run :

  1. Download the folder
  2. Run the command ./nginx-asg.sh -h to see the options

Example command to create :

./nginx-asg.sh -n rippling -r us-east-1 -v vpc-048c1bd88f5e1983e -a ami-06b263d6ceff0b3dd

Example command to destroy :

./nginx-asg.sh -d destroy -n rippling -r us-east-1 -v vpc-048c1bd88f5e1983e -a ami-06b263d6ceff0b3dd