
Convert / resize / transcode / down-sample photos & videos to be web-friendly

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Convert / resize / transcode / down-sample photos & videos to be web-friendly

This is one of the core modules of thumbsup.github.io.

NPM License Build Status Dependencies Dev dependencies Standard - JavaScript Style Guide


npm install thumbsup-downsize --save

This module requires the following binaries available in the system path:


const downsize = require('thumbsup-downsize')

const options = { height: 100, width: 100 }
downsize.image('source.tiff', 'thumb.jpg', options, (err) => {
  console.log(err || 'Thumbnail created successfully')



.image(source, target, options, callback)

Processes the image in source and creates a new image in target. The image is appropriately converted if needed based on the target file extension. You can specify the following options:

Image size
// proportionally resize the photo to a maximum height
opts = { height: 300 }

// proportionally resize the photo to a maximum width
opts = { width: 300 }

// resize and crop the photo to exactly height x width
// the image will not be distorted
opts = { height: 100, width: 100 }
Image quality
// quality between 0 and 100
opts = { quality: 80 }

You can overlay a transparent watermark over the final image:

opts = {
  watermark: {
    file: 'path/watermark.png',  // transparent PNG
    position: 'NorthEast'        // position of the watermark

The possible values for position are:

  • Repeat to repeat the watermark across the whole image
  • Center to position the watermark in the middle
  • NorthWest, North, NorthEast, West, East, SouthWest, South, SouthEast to position the watermark along the edge

watermark tiled

Note: watermarks are not compatible with cropped images. The watermark option will simply be ignored if both width and height are specified.


You can specify extra arguments that will be passed to GraphicsMagick. This only works with output arguments.

opts = {
  args: [
    '-unsharp 2 0.5 0.7 0',
    '-modulate 120'
GIF animation

By default, only the first frame of an animated GIF is exported. You can keep the entire animation by specifying:

opts = { animated: true }

This offloads the processing of the image to Gifsicle. Note that:

  • The destination file extension must be .gif
  • The only other supported parameters are width and height (e.g. no watermarks)
  • Cropping (specifying both width and height) is not supported and will throw an error

The flag is simply ignored if the source file is not a GIF.


.still(source, target, options, callback)

Extract a single frame from the video in source, and writes the image to target. This method supports all the same options as .image().


.video(source, target, options, callback)

Transcodes the video in source to a web-friendly format and lower bitrate, and writes it in target. Currently doesn't support any options, simply pass an empty hash ({}).

The .video() call returns an EventEmitter to follow the progress of the conversion, since it can take a long time.

const emitter = downsize.video(/* ... */)
emitter.on('progress', percent => console.log(`${percent}%`))


Image/video resizing is hard to unit test. Instead, this repo contains an integration test suite made of many different resized files, covering different file formats and edge cases.

When submitting a change, make sure you run the build locally.

npm test

If you don't have all dependencies installed, you can also run the tests in Docker.

docker build -t downsize-test .
docker run downsize-test