
Self-Descriptions for GAIA-X written in DTDL


GAIA-X Self-Descriptions


This repository contains the self-descriptions of the GAIA-X core ontology. As language the DTDL standard is used. This standard is based on JSON-LD and offers an easy way to use the DTDL without required knowledge about RDF. Please be aware that the actual self-descriptions are still under heavy development and are written in pure JSON-LD/RDF. To overcome these shortcomings we plan to add a mapping layer from our DTDL based models to the actual self-descriptions later on.

State of the models

At the moment we only offer self-descriptions for the data-asset class. We plan to also offer the other self-descriptions once they are in a more stable state.


If you are interested we also open-sourced our internal services that are used to create and manage these models and their instances.

Tributech Data-Asset Models




If you notice any shortcomings, errors or have general feedback please contact us directly or use the GitHub Issues function.