
This repository is my solution to the Awkward Arrays Evaluation Task.

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

GSoC 2020 CERN Evaluation Task Anish Biswas(trickarcher)

This repository contains my solution to the Evaluation task given by Jim Pivarski.

The Task

The task is described as follows:

For the evaluation task, the kernel I'd like you to translate is awkward_listarray_compact_offsets:

template <typename C, typename T>
ERROR awkward_listarray_compact_offsets(T* tooffsets, const C* fromstarts, const C* fromstops, int64_t startsoffset, int64_t stopsoffset, int64_t length) {
 tooffsets[0] = 0;
 for (int64_t i = 0;  i < length;  i++) {
   C start = fromstarts[startsoffset + i];
   C stop = fromstops[stopsoffset + i];
   if (stop < start) {
     return failure("stops[i] < starts[i]", i, kSliceNone);
   tooffsets[i + 1] = tooffsets[i] + (stop - start);
 return success();

The key thing about this kernel is that it has a loop-carried dependency: the value of tooffsets[i + 1] depends on the value of tooffsets[i], and this implementation computes it sequentially. A naive translation of this to CUDA would require the thread with threadIdx.x == i + 1 to wait for threadIdx.x == i, which would defeat the purpose of GPU parallelism. To solve these sorts of problems on a parallel device like a GPU, we resort to entirely different techniques, such as the Hillis-Steele scan; here is a tutorial for implementing it with CUDA. The evaluation task would be to apply the Hillis-Steele technique to the specific problem of replicating awkward_listarray_compact_offsets on the GPU, showing that it yields the same results in some test cases, and showing the speedup between CPU, a naive translation, and the Hillis-Steele-based implementation. The solution may involve multiple global functions, one called after the other on the same data.


  • At first, I implemented the basic Hillis-Steele Scan which worked fine for upto 2048 elements. However, as the length of the array increased I could see the inherent flaws of using the basic approach. One of the first things ofcourse is that the information held by d_offsets will be overriden if the threads are not synchronized properly. However, even if the threads are synchronized the problem of copying everything to a shared memory come into picture. Since we are working with templates here, there's no guarantee on the size of the array elements which may lead us to copy elements whose size are much greater than the shared memory of a block. This is a very undesirable situation. However, even if I prevent this by keeping a check for sizes, the entire scan becomes very slow because we would have to call __syncthreads() everytime we play with shared memories and wait for all the threads to finish. This becomes a problem when using multiple blocks since we can't parallelize more than the wrap size of the GPU.
  • The Double-Buffered Version of the Sum Scan was what I coded up next. I loved the idea behind this approach. Basically, what happens here is that even if the threads attempt to re-write the d_out array, it's fine because now we have another array(d_in) which had the state of the d_out before it was operated on during the current step. This allows us to skip the entire __syncthreads() stuff which leads to consistent code. Again, this approach comes with a obvious drawback. The drawback being the additional memory being consumed to keep track of two arrays. The problem worsens if you have array size in the order of 10^8. However, I found this approach much better than using shared memory hence I went forward with this.
  • In my previous emails to Jim, we had discussed on a tool which would automatically convert the CPU Kernels to GPU Kernels. Keeping this in mind I created a seperate kernel called compute_offsets which was basically (fromstops[i] - fromstarts[i]). The idea behind this is that we could seperate whatever is required for a CPU Kernel to make it compatible for parallel prefix sum, reduce it to a Parallel Sum Prefix Problem and then conquer it using the various scan methods. If I was to put this in a fancy way, this would basically be reduce and conquer method of transforming CPU Kernels to GPU Kernels.


  • The idea was simple i.e create a library which encompasses the compact_offsets functions. In a real project I would expect this function to be part of some bigger class something like AwkwardOffsetListArray which would contain the function.

Table of Array Size vs GPU Scan Speed vs CPU Scan Speed

Size of Array Scan on GTX 1080 Sequential Scan on i7 6900K 3.2 GHz
1 0.00137 ms 0.00100 ms
10 0.014272 ms 0.00200 ms
1000 0.019552 ms 0.005000 ms
10000 0.026176 ms 0.004000 ms
100000 0.037088 ms 0.040000 ms
1000000 1.02 ms 0.339000 ms
10000000 13 ms 29 ms
100000000 152.966336 ms 229 ms

(Note: The GPU Benchmarks exclude the time taken in transfer operations)

As evident, there's almost the GPU implementation is almost 2X faster than CPU at larger array sizes

Build Instructions


  • Install CMake(version >= 3.8)
  • git submodule --init --recursive to clone GoogleTests into ext/googletest
  • mkdir build && cd build
  • cmake ..
  • make
  • The example executable will be installed in the build folder
  • The tests executable will also be installed in the build folder


  • The 1 test failing for offsets is intentional, I couldn't figure out a good exit strategy of what should be done if (stops < starts)