
Log Rails application actions and filters when accepts a request

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Log Rails application actions and filters when accepts a request.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'action_tracer', group :development, :test

Notice this gem is for Rails with ApplicationController inherited ActiveController::Base.
Support for Rails application with ActiveController::API is comming soon.


Run rails server or run rspec and check log/action_tracer.log.


For example, you have a simple awesome_controller.rb like this:

class AwesomeController < ApplicationController
  before_action :require_login
  before_action :set_awesome, only: :show
  around_action :with_readonly
  after_action :store_location
  def index
   # ...

  def show
    # ...


  def require_login
    # ...

  def with_readonly
    # ...
    # ...

  def store_location
    # ...

When you run rails server and access /awesome (action is #index),
it will put logs for log/action_tracer.log like this:

I, [2020-09-27T03:25:43.018298 #1]  INFO -- : ["APPLIED", :set_turbolinks_location_header_from_session, "/usr/local/bundle/gems/turbolinks-5.2.1/lib/turbolinks/redirection.rb", 43]
I, [2020-09-27T03:25:43.019410 #1]  INFO -- : ["APPLIED", :verify_authenticity_token, "/usr/local/bundle/gems/actionpack-5.1.7/lib/action_controller/metal/request_forgery_protection.rb", 211]
I, [2020-09-27T03:25:43.021131 #1]  INFO -- : ["APPLIED", :require_login, "/myapp/app/controllers/awesome_controller.rb", 17]
I, [2020-09-27T03:25:43.022063 #1]  INFO -- : ["NO_APPLIED", :set_awesome, "/myapp/app/controllers/awesome_controller.rb", 25]
I, [2020-09-27T03:25:43.023716 #1]  INFO -- : ["APPLIED", :with_readonly, "/myapp/app/controllers/awesome_controller.rb", 21]
I, [2020-09-27T03:25:43.025547 #1]  INFO -- : ["ACTION", :index, "/myapp/app/controllers/awesome_controller.rb", 7]
I, [2020-09-27T03:25:43.026297 #1]  INFO -- : ["APPLIED", :with_readonly, "/myapp/app/controllers/awesome_controller.rb", 21]
I, [2020-09-27T03:25:43.027203 #1]  INFO -- : ["APPLIED", :store_location, "/myapp/app/controllers/awesome_controller.rb", 27]
I, [2020-09-27T03:25:43.030074 #1]  INFO -- : ["APPLIED", :verify_same_origin_request, "/usr/local/bundle/gems/actionpack-5.1.7/lib/action_controller/metal/request_forgery_protection.rb", 240]
I, [2020-09-27T03:25:43.030776 #1]  INFO -- : 

Filters are put in the order in which is executed.
Notice around_action is put 2 times around action though called 1 time.

Log Guide

Normally log is put in this format:

["APPLIED", :require_login, "/myapp/app/controllers/awesome_controller.rb", 17]
  1. State. One of APPLIED, NO_APPLIED and ACTION.
    APPLIED: Filter is executed.
    NO_APPLIED: Filter is registered but not executed.
    ACTION: Called action.
  2. Method name. When filter is a Proc, just put :Proc.
  3. File path. It's absolute path.
  4. Method line no.

When filter is an object, log is put in this format:

["UNRECOGNIZED", #<Awesome::Object:0x00007f95c35768f8>]

We can't recgnize the filter is actually executed or not.


  • Support for Rails application with ActiveController::API
  • Log rotate


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/makicamel/action_tracer. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in the ActionTracer project’s codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.