
Swipebox | A touchable lightbox for the Rails asset pipeline

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Swipebox for Rails

Gem Version Build Status Code Climate Dependency Status swipebox API Documentation

Swipebox | A touchable jQuery lightbox for the Rails asset pipeline


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'swipebox'


In your CSS manifest file:

*= require swipebox

In your JavaScript manifest file:

//= require swipebox

Use a specific class for your links and use the title attribute as caption.

<a href="big/image.jpg" class="swipebox" title="My Caption">

Bind the swipebox behaviour on every link with the 'swipebox' class.



useCSS : true, // false will force the use of jQuery for animations
initialIndexOnArray: 0, // which image index to init when a array is passed
hideCloseButtonOnMobile : false, // true will hide the close button on mobile devices
hideBarsDelay : 3000, // delay before hiding bars on desktop
videoMaxWidth : 1140, // videos max width
beforeOpen: function(){} , // called before opening
afterOpen: null, // called after opening
afterClose: function(){}, // called after closing
loopAtEnd: false // true will return to the first image after the last image is reached

Look at the original Swipebox repo for more.

I have modified source a bit from the version:

  • SCSS instead of CSS because we need the image-url helpers
  • .png -> .svg via class not hardcoded image path


The MIT License