code to run on a pi for a HAB flight.
amazing diagram and pseudocode
Learned lots from:
= how to install
- I2C sensors wired in
- GPS on serial
- MTX2 / NTX2 on the on-board UART
- Enable pin connected to GPIO 23
On a clean install of raspbian 9:
- raspi-config:
- Interfacing: Enable the I2C interface
- Interfacing: Serial: Disable console, enable hardware.
- Interfacing: Enable the Camera
- /boot/config.txt:
- Pi Nano W: Add to /boot/config.txt: dtoverlay=pi3-miniuart-bt
- Optionally disable wifi to save power: dtoverlay=pi3-disable-wifi
- sudo systemctl disable hciuart
- git clone this repo into /home/pi/radio_flyer
- cd into linux and run the install script in each subdir