
Experiments in building a scrolling game with Isaac aged 9 and 2 fiths


Experiments in building a scrolling game with Isaac aged 9 and 2 fiths

Rules of the Game

  1. There will be trade group star ships that you must destroy (types of ships, droid carrying ships and battleships)
  2. Each player ship has these attributes:
  3. Shield strength (default is 20)
  4. Armour strength (default 96)
  5. proton topedoes (max number)
  6. lazers (damage number)
  7. There are 2 start-ships types they are (x-wing (sheild=20, armour=96, torpedoes=5, lasers=damage=5), b-wing (shield=20, armounr=98, tropedoes=unlimited, lasers=damage=1 )
  8. If you destroy an enemy ship you coins for upgrades to: sheild, lazer

Types of enemy ships

Android carrying ship (shield=,50 armour=100 when destroyed you earn 4500 coins) battle staions (shield=250 armour=275 when destroyed you earn 10,000 coins) if you get destroyed you either restart level or restart from last checkpoint