Experiments in building a scrolling game with Isaac aged 9 and 2 fiths
- There will be trade group star ships that you must destroy (types of ships, droid carrying ships and battleships)
- Each player ship has these attributes:
- Shield strength (default is 20)
- Armour strength (default 96)
- proton topedoes (max number)
- lazers (damage number)
- There are 2 start-ships types they are (x-wing (sheild=20, armour=96, torpedoes=5, lasers=damage=5), b-wing (shield=20, armounr=98, tropedoes=unlimited, lasers=damage=1 )
- If you destroy an enemy ship you coins for upgrades to: sheild, lazer
Android carrying ship (shield=,50 armour=100 when destroyed you earn 4500 coins) battle staions (shield=250 armour=275 when destroyed you earn 10,000 coins) if you get destroyed you either restart level or restart from last checkpoint