Environment setup for local Run
Clone The repo and install dependencies
git clone <ulr of repo> cd insta-Decoy yarn install
for running the email service in dev
yarn dev_email
and the main serviceyarn dev
will add concurrently some day 😌
create a .env in the parent folder -Template .env.development
The bare minimum requrement is MONGODBURL And Cloudinary Credentails that are CLOUDNAME= CLOUDAPIKEY= CLOUDAPISECRET= These are used in only upload routes
If you want to have Real Mails Then Set
EMAIL= //email EMAILKEY= // email password or authtoken EMAILTRANSPORTER= // gmail or Ethereal
Note:-Please see nodemailer gmail setup if this donot succeeds because Gmail settings had to be changed for a account to sent email using nodemailer
Else you can have it handelled by ethereal account and you can login to view emails at
- user: smwtrsmjipejx63c@ethereal.email
- pass: Kz5jEsRGrTJPjY7XfM
Api Documentation Can be found at
- Node Js Express
- Cloudinary for file upload
- Multer
- morgan
- Nodemailer
- validator