
Linux script to setup a new idempiere development environment

Primary LanguageShell

Linux scripts to setup new iDempiere Development environment


  • Maven (>=3.8.6)
  • Git.
  • Docker (optional, for installation of postgresql server).
  • JDK 17 (optional since Eclipse is now bundle with JRE 17).

Before running the setup.sh script, make sure you have a compatible Maven version

mvn -version

If you don't have the needed mvn version, download and unpack an appropriate version and set your environment

export MVN_HOME=/your/mvn/version
export PATH=$MVN_HOME/bin:$PATH


If building older releases don't work properly, use the appropriate tagged version (see the git tags of this repository).


If you are using zsh instead of bash shell, run the following 2 command to enable bash completion.

* Run **autoload bashcompinit**
* Run **bashcompinit**
  • Run source completion.bash to turn on auto completion for bundle shell scripts.
  • Run ./setup.sh --help to get help on options available.

Examples of usage:

./setup.sh --branch release-10 --repository-url git@github.com:idempiere/idempiere.git --docker-postgres-create 

./setup.sh --branch release-10 --docker-postgres-create --db-admin-pass <your-password>

./setup.sh --skip-setup-db

What it does

  • Clone idempiere source and run Maven build.
  • Download and setup Eclipse JEE 2023-06.
  • Create new workspace in the cloned idempiere folder and import all projects into the workspace.
  • Set target platform and build the workspace.
  • Setup connection properties (idempiere.properties) and jetty server (jettyhome).
  • If DB doesn't exists yet, import iDempiere db.
  • If DB exists, apply migration scripts.
  • You should have a ready to run Eclipse workspace after the completion of the script.


  • Use --help option to get help in available options.
  • setup.sh is the main entry point to invoke other scripts.
  • docker-postgres.sh - script to install and run postgres 15.3 docker container image.
  • eclipse.sh - script to start Eclipse IDE.
  • setup-db.sh - script to setup DB connection propertis (idempiere.propertis), jetty server (jettyhome) and import iDempiere seed database (if DB does not exists) or apply migration scripts (if DB exists).
  • setup-ws.sh - setup idempiere workspace, set target platform.