
Support for building compact standalone executables of Lantern and related projects, using Avian, OpenJDK and ProGuard

Primary LanguageJava



lantern-avian is a utility project that supports building compact standalone executables of Lantern and related projects, using a combination of Avian, OpenJDK and ProGuard.

The build file used by lantern-avian is based on the one provided by avian-swt-examples.


Note - all projects should be checked out to the same base folder


git clone https://github.com/getlantern/lantern-avian.git

Avian (Lantern Fork)

We're using a fork right now to work around a bug in the Avian makefile. The fix has been pull requested to Avian.

git clone https://github.com/getlantern/avian.git

UPX (on Ubuntu)

sudo apt-get install upx

OpenJDK 7

On Windows

  1. Set up Cygwin as described by the avian README.

  2. Install openjdk7 update 45 installer and source from Alex Kasko's Unofficial Builds.

  3. Install openjdk7 to c:\opt\openjdk7-image and the soruce to c:\opt\openjdk7-source


The Mac OS X build uses the unofficial OpenJDK builds from Alex Kasko

  • Download OpenJDK 7 update 40 build 43 from here and put it at /opt/openjdk7-image
  • Download the corresponding source from here and put it at /opt/openjdk7-source
  • In /opt/openjdk7-source/jdk/src/solaris/native/java/net/net_util_md.c, change lines 117 and 119 to say CHECK_NULL_RETURN(c, NULL) instead of CHECK_NULL(c)

On Ubuntu

sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jdk
sudo apt-get source openjdk-7-jdk
sudo apt-get build-dep openjdk-7-jdk
(cd openjdk-7-7u25-2.3.10 && dpkg-buildpackage)
make openjdk=/usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk \
     openjdk-src=$(pwd)/openjdk-7-7~b147-2.0/build/openjdk/jdk/src \
cd ..
sudo mv openjdk-7-7u25-2.3.10 /usr/lib/jvm/java-7-openjdk-amd64-source/build/openjdk/jdk/src


Add a new target to makefile. You can pattern this after the target LittleProxy.

make full-platform=<platform> <target_name>

is one of:


For a debug build:

make mode=debug <target_name>

Note - the builds use project-specific ProGuard configurations like LittleProxy.pro. These configurations may be auto-generated as a result of running the project's tests, in which case you'll want to make sure to run the tests before building a standalone executable with lantern-avian.